Devour Game Walkthrough


Table of Content

  • Beginner Walkthrough

  • The Main Objectives

  • What to do When She Gets Mad

  • What to do When you are Knocked Out

  • Additional Threats

  • Information Provided by Other Player

Beginner Walkthrough

Greetings, to our Devour Game Walkthrough! This tutorial will give you how to get started as a beginner. There are Seven different types of objects that you can communicate with.

The Seven Objects are:

  • Keys

  • Wheat straws

  • Goats

  • Gasoline can

  • Med-kit

  • Roses*

  • Diary pages*

As far as I'm aware, they're not needed for gameplay.

  • Interact with the world using the “E” key.

  • Drop items by pressing “G”.

  • Press “F” to toggle the flashlight on and off.

  • Hold “Right Mouse Button” to burn the crawling demons or to stun the witch.

  • You can only carry one item at a time.

The Main Objectives

  1. Find the keys scattered throughout the map

  2. Open new doors

  3. Find new keys

  4. Open goat cages

  5. Collect straws of wheat

  6. Drop the wheat by pressing “G” when you are close to a goat, wait for the goat to arrive to the wheat

  7. Pick up the goat

  8. Carry the goat to the bonfire and place it

  9. Burn the goat using the canister

  10. Repeat until you burn 10 goats

A goat is represented by each burning column around the bonfire.

What to do When She Gets Mad

When you burn a goat, she becomes enraged and begins chasing you.

  1. You can run and kite her around the map to buy your friends time and then get healed up by a friend using a med-kit when she injures you.

  2. You can stun her with the UV light(Right mouse button)

Note: She is said to be able to open doors by some players, but I am not certain. For each goat burned, she seems to get crazier. You'll have less time to collect the remaining goats.

What to do When you are Knocked Out

Your buddies will pick up a med-kit and use it on you if you get knocked down.

Additional Dangers

  1. When you burn a goat, creeping goblins will spawn as well. 

  2. To banish/burn the ghosts, just shine UV light on them.

Information Provided by Other Player

  • Nightmare mode disables UV light.

  • If you want to collect all 25 Roses, try single player without burning goats. They don’t have to be collected in a single run.

  • Hiding in a room with fleshlight off sometimes causes her to run past you, so it’s not always advised to panic. The conditions of her seeking you out and actually finding you are yet unclear.

  • All items spawn infinitely (as of current patch, if they do not then it is a bug).

  • Making the game rather easy with a full group with one guy dedicated to finding medkits and killing demons.

  • She grows horns after burning the 6th goat, indicating that she is more aggressive.

  • You can lure goats into a room and lock them inside for easy access later.

  • Calming her down depends on the amount of goats sacrificed.

  • The more goats sacrificed the harder it gets to calm her.

  • Goats 1-3 are very easy. Mostly one stun and she’s calm.

  • Goats 4-6 might take two stuns or more to calm her down.

  • Goats 7-9 and you’re gambling with your life. Stun and run. Hiding is the best method here.

  • In Nightmare mode you do not even get a UV light so stunning her or thinking about calming her down is not an option at all. Thus it is quite obvious that calming her down is not a reliable option.

  • From experience I would stun and run when goat 7-8 is burned.

  • Stunning her when goat 9 is burned requires optimal conditions or she will catch you.

  • Also starting from Goat #7 I would not rely on calming her down at all. If it works, it’s only for short moments.

  • Trying to calm her down excessively will cost you time and resources.

  • Further testing shows that you can definitely become completely invisible to her most of the time. Making the flashlight not only useless but counter productive.

  • At this point I use the flashlight rarely when I need to pinpoint a door or something.

  • I use the uv only to strategically remove some of the demons that I know will become problems eventually.

  • It is often the safest method to just crouch in the dark and not move at all. She will literally bump into you at times and not grab you. Try it out yourself. 9/10 I am completely safe, running nightmare matches without getting grabbed once.

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