The Headmaster Walkthrough


The Headmaster Walkthrough

In the not-too-distant future, on a small island nation, a crisis has arisen. The number of students graduating from school has fallen sharply and university places are going unfilled. Faced with the prospect of mass unemployment and potential economic disaster the government is forced to introduce emergency measures. All students over eighteen who failed or were expelled from school are to be forced back into education at a number of special facilities.

Main Quest Walkthrough

[QM1] Order to the Chaos‌


Discipline is low and the girls are not studying in their free time. You must assert your authority and bring order to the school.

Unlocking this Quest

This staff quest is available from the start of Day 2.

Note: The actions in this quest do not have to be performed in any particular order. So e.g. you can upgrade the science facilities before you teach Miss Potts.

[QM1.1] Increase Discipline‌

Full description = (1) Increase Discipline to 20 to prevent grades from declining.

Teach classes and punish students to ensure that your discipline score remains above 20. If discipline falls below 20 again, then you will need to complete this action again.

At the start of the game, you will get 2 discipline points if you punish a student in class, and 1 discipline point if you give them a public after school punishment.

See REFR01 for more information.

[QM1.2] Help Miss Potts control her class

To complete this, you need to complete actions 1-4 in the “Teaching Miss Potts” staff quest (QSF1.01 to QSF1.04). This involves visiting Miss Potts in her apartment in the evenings to give her some training.

[QM1.3] Upgrade the science facilities

Full description = (3) Upgrade the science facilities for Miss Chang.

To complete this, you need to complete actions 1-6 in the “Experiments Gone Wild” staff quest (QSF2.01 to QSF2.06). This involves buying new equipment for the science classrooms and hiring a new lab technician.

[QM1.4] Win Mr Wilson to your side

Full description #1 = (4) Win Mr Wilson to your side (before quest is unlocked)

Full description #2 = (4) Help Mr Wilson with his request (after the quest is unlocked)

To unlock this staff quest, you will need to visit Mr Wilson in his apartment during the evening and agree to steal Priti’s password.

To complete this quest, you need to complete actions 1-3 in the “Priti as a Picture” staff quest (QSF3.01 to QSF3.03). This involves stealing the social media password of one of the students.

[QM1.5] Implement a new rule‌

Full description = (5) Implement a new rule at a weekly meeting of the school board.

At the Friday school board, pass a new school discipline rule. Two new rules are available from the start of the game: the public punishment outfit rule, and the Strict Uniform Policy rule. You will unlock other rules later in the game (e.g. see QSF4.2 and QSF4.4).

You need a certain amount of discipline and influence points before you can pass a rule. The Strict Uniform Policy rule (under Uniform policy) has the lowest requirements: you will need 18 Discipline and 4 Influence points to pass this rule.

To gain the influence points, you will need to complete some of the staff quests. See the staff quests “Teaching Miss Potts” (QSF1.02), “Experiments Gone Wild” (QSF2.02, QSF2.07) and “Priti as Picture” (QSF3.03) for details about how to achieve the first influence points. See REF01 for a list of all the influence points you can get.

Please note that deciding to open the lake (under Other Rules) does not complete this action.

Fun note: once you have passed the Strict Uniform Policy, you can do underwear inspections on most of the students you see in the hall in the classroom building. (See SCH10 for a particularly fun one on Liz.)

[QM1.6] Completing this Quest

Once you complete action points 1-5 (QM1.1 to QM1.5), then in the evening you will have the “second dream” event where you have sex with Sarah. (See also OTH03)

If you have not already unlocked the scene, the following weekday morning you will see a scene with Sally and Izzy running. (This scene can also be unlocked if you have previously punished Debbie, see DEB02).

[QM2] If a Headmaster Falls in the Woods‌


The old headmaster was worried he was being followed in the woods. Could he have been murdered? You decide to investigate in case you yourself are in danger.

Unlocking this Quest

To unlock this quest, open the Recycle bin on your computer and read the April 15 entry.

[QM2.1] Ask the staff‌

Full description = (1) Ask the staff about the old headmaster and see if anyone knows anything about his death.

In the evening, speak to Mr Wilson and ask him about “the old headmaster”. If you have not unlocked the “Priti as a Picture” staff quest yet (QSF3), then you will have an initial conversation with Mr Wilson, and then you will need to visit him the following night before you can ask him about the headmaster.

[QM2.2] Visit the lake‌

Full description = (2) Visit the lake in the morning and speak to the groundskeeper about finding the old headmasters body.

At the Friday School Board, choose to open the Lake (see under Other Rules).

Note: you should ensure Discipline is >= 20 before you do this, or grades will decrease every day the Lake is open.

In the morning, go to the lake and speak to Jimmy. Ask about “the old headmaster”.

[QM2.3] Ask Jimmy to show you the spot‌

Full description = (3) Ask Jimmy to show you the spot where the old headmaster died.

In the morning, go to the lake and speak to Jimmy. Ask about “the old headmaster’s body”. You can do this immediately after asking about “the old headmaster” (QM2.2).

Jimmy will tell you that you’ll need to wait for him to clear the way. This quest action will change to “Wait for Jimmy to clear the path” (see QM2.4, below).

[QM2.4] Wait for Jimmy to clear the path‌

Full description = (3) Wait for Jimmy to clear the path into the woods to show you where he found the old headmaster’s body.

Complete actions 1-5 from the “A Troublesome Inspector” staff quest (QSF5.1 to QSF5.6). The following morning, Jimmy will tell you that the path is now clear, and he will take you to the spot where the headmaster died. You will find his wallet which has a number combination hidden in it.

[QM2.5] Try using the numbers‌

Full description = (4) Try using the numbers you found with the safe in your office.

Go to your office and click on the bookcase. You will then be able to unlock the safe and this event will unlock.

[QM2.6] Ask Miss Chang about BDSM‌

Full description = (5) Ask Miss Chang what she knows about British Defense System Manufacturers.

Complete A Troublesome Inspector action QSF5.7. This involves you opening the old headmaster’s safe and reading his notes about the school’s owners. You discover a company called British Defense System Manufacturers (BDSM) appears to be involved.

In the evening, speak to Ruth. She will take you to her house to have a private discussion. (This action is also required for the Experiments Gone Wild Quest, QSF2.09) During the discussion she will warn you that there is a spy on campus.

[QM2.7] Spy on Campus

Full description = (5) Miss Chang warned you about a spy on campus. Could there be a connection between the spy and the old headmaster’s death? You will need to investigate.

This is not available in the game yet.

[QM3] A Man’s Work‌


Some jobs are best left to a man. Spanking naughty schoolgirls is a prime example.

Unlocking this Quest

This quest is unlocked on the first weekday after you complete the “Order to the Chaos” main quest (QM1) and have the second dream event (see OTH03).

The next weekday, you will see a cut scene similar to the “Day 2” introduction, where the headmaster walks into school talking about the need to take a more active role in the punishments of the girls. You will then receive a message saying you have a new main quest.

[QM3.1] Find out your colleagues’ opinions

Full description = (1) Find out your colleagues’ opinions on changing the rules at the next meeting of the school board.

At the Friday school board, vote on the Corporal punishment rule “corporal punishments may be carried out on students by any teacher regardless of gender”. The discipline and influence requirements for this rule will be shown as “?”.

Holding this vote will unlock the “a troublesome inspector” staff quest (QSF5).

[QM3.2] Earn 3 Influence from Miss Newman

Full description = (2) Earn three influence points from Miss Newman

To complete this, you need to complete actions 1-3 in the “Sally Learns the Ropes” staff quest (see QSF4.1 to QSF4.4).

[QM3.3] Find a way to convince Ruth

Full description = (3) Find a way to convince Ruth to let you spank the girls.

To complete this, you need to complete actions 1-6 in the “A Troublesome Inspector” staff quest (QSF5.1 to QSF5.8). This also involves completing actions 1-4 of the “If a Headmaster Falls in the Woods” main quest (QM2.1 to QM2.5)

[QM3.4] Have at least one Student Enforcer

Full description = (4) Have at least one student enforcer (perfect).

You will need to raise Debbie to punishment Level 5, and assign her a role as a prefect. To do this, you need to complete actions 1-5 in the “Sally Learns the Ropes” staff quest (QSF4.1 to QSF4.6).

[QM3.5] Hold another vote‌

Full description = (4) Hold another vote at the school board to allow you to spank the girls yourself.

Once you have Influence 9 and Discipline 40, pass the new Corporal Punishment rule “corporal punishments may be carried out on students by any teacher regardless of gender” at the Friday board meeting.

Once you have successfully passed the rule, you will see the large “How to Discipline a Young Woman” scene (CLA11), where Mr. Mykock comes to the school with two other teachers to watch you punish the first girls by yourself.

[QM4] Leave No Girl’s Behind‌


You are finally able to punish the girls yourself and grades and discipline are bound to increase rapidly as a result. Ruth will be giving the girls a test soon and every single girl needs to pass with flying colors. You will need to improve overall grades by teaching lessons and you will need to focus on any individual girls who may be falling behind.

Unlocking this Quest

This quest is unlocked on the first weekday after you complete the “A Man’s Work” main quest (QM3) and have the New Chapter event (see OTH16).

Ruth will meet you in your office and remind you of her conditions for allowing you to continue to spank the girls. You will then receive a message saying you have a new main quest:

You have a new main quest. You must raise the girls’ Grades to 100 before Ruth sets her exam. The girls’ Grades will increase by one per day once Discipline hits 60 and by two per day when Discipline hits 80. However, poor-performing students will bring down the average. The higher overall Grades are the more of an effect this will have.

[QM4.1] Achieve 100 grades‌

Increase your grades to 100. See REFG04 for some hints about how to do this. The following weekday morning (if your grades are still above 100), then you will get the following message:

Well done for getting grades to 100! Unfortunately, this is just a temporary placeholder ending for the current main quest. Grades will no longer decline and the story will continue soon.

This is just a placeholder ending message. The quest action is not marked as complete in the quest screen.

Note: You need to play at least 2 weeks of game time before you see the placeholder end message. If you achieve 100 grades within 2 weeks of Chapter 2 starting (which can only be done by use of the cheat menu) then you will see this message on the Monday morning of the third week.

Staff Quest Walkthrough

[QSF1] Teaching Miss Potts‌‌


Miss Potts can’t control her class. Fortunately you are an expert in disciplining young woman and have offered to pass on some of your skills.

Unlocking this Quest

This staff quest is available from the start of Day 2.

[QSF1.01] Visit Miss Potts apartment‌

Full description = (1) Visit Miss Potts’ apartment in the evenings to provide her with basic training.

During the evening, visit Miss Potts’ apartment. You can visit her any night (including weekends) except for Wednesdays. You will have an initial conversation where you agree to give her additional training.

You will then need to visit her another 6 times, and choose “continue training”. The first 4 lessons will involve you discussing (in order) her need to show confidence; classroom dynamics; the need for consistency; and how she is making progress. The last 2 lessons will involve you giving her a verbal telling off. At the end of the last lesson, you will tell her you will visit her in her classroom to check how she is dealing with the girls.

[QSF1.02] Visit Miss Potts’s classroom‌

Full description = (2) Visit Miss Potts’s classroom during school hours to check up on her progress

Visit Miss Potts’ classroom during the day. You will see her managing to control Debbie, and you will receive 1 Influence point.

[QSF1.03] Discuss the Next Phase

Full description = (3) Visit Miss Potts’ apartment and discuss the next phase of her training.

Visit Miss Potts in the evening again. As before, you can visit her any night (including weekends) except for Wednesdays. You will say she needs a practical lesson in being spanked.

[QSF1.04] Dress Up Like a School Girl‌

Full description = (4) You have convinced the English teacher to dress up like a school girl so you can spank her. Visit her at her apartment in the evening.

Visit Miss Potts in the evening again. She will be dressed like a school girl. This time, you will spank her.

[QSF1.05] Visit Miss Potts for Advanced Training‌

Full description = (5) Visit Miss Potts again for more advanced training.

In the evening, visit Miss Potts’ apartment again and continue her training. You will give Miss Potts another lesson where she will hold up some books and you will expose her.

[QSF1.06] See Miss Potts Punish One of the Girls

Full description = (6) Visit Miss Potts’ Classroom to see her punish one of the girls (you may need to unlock new rules at the school board to proceed).

If you have not already done so, you will then need to pass the Very Strict Uniform Policy that allows you to confiscate clothing. You will pass this rule as part of the “Sally Learns the Ropes” staff quest (see QSF4.5). This involves raising Debbie to Level 4 and touching her to unlock the rule. You will need 6 Influence and 30 Discipline to pass the rule at the next Friday morning school board meeting.

After you have passed the rule, visit Miss Potts’ classroom during the day. You will see her forcing Faye to strip to her underwear and demonstrate her aerobics lesson. Afterwards Miss Potts will kiss you and you will get 1 influence point.

[QSF1.07] Visit Miss Potts apartment again

Full description = (6) Visit Miss Potts’ apartment again to continue her training.

In the evening, visit Miss Potts’ apartment again and continue her training. You will then strip her naked, give her a spanking and finger her to orgasm. Miss Potts will then suck your cock.

[QSF1.08] Visit Miss Potts apartment again

Full description = (6) Visit Miss Potts’ classroom to supervise her spanking one of the girls.

Visit Miss Potts’ classroom during the day. You will see Claire mess up and punish Mary in the wrong way, and you will stop the punishment.

[QSF1.09] Discuss Mary’s Punishment

Full description = (6) Visit Miss Potts’ apartment to discuss Mary’s punishment.

In the evening, visit Miss Potts’ apartment again. You will discuss the punishment and agree to show Miss Potts the wrong way to give a punishment.

[QSF1.10] Show her the Wrong Way to Give a Punishment‌

Full description = (7) Wait until Claire visits you in your office and show her the wrong way to give a punishment.

The following day, you will automatically get a scene in your office where Claire will arrive in a school uniform and you will punish her. This scene will happen immediately after any after-school punishments you have.

The goal of the punishment is to max out her fear. However, if her fear score is greater than her submission score, then she will use her safe word and the scene will end. If Claire uses her safeword, you will automatically get the same scene the following day.

During her punishment, you should insult her, lightly slap her face, inspect her uniform, and tear off her skirt and knickers. Inspect her bra and then tear off the rest of her clothes. Grope her breasts, slap her breasts and take her picture.

After that, change position and force her over your desk. Spank her and do a cavity search. Change position and force her to her knees. Pull your dick out, do a dick slap, make her kiss it and force it in her mouth. Twist her hair or slap her, and force it down further.

Finally, change position and lift her onto your desk, legs in the air, and force her legs apart. You can finger her first or simply penetrate her to complete the punishment. You will then get +1 Influence

[QSF2] Experiments Gone Wild‌


Miss Chang has complained about the lack of science facilities at the school.

Unlocking this Quest

This staff quest is available from the start of Day 2.

[QSF2.01] Upgrade the science classroom‌

Full description = (1) Upgrade the science classroom by using the construction menu on your computer

Once you have $500, buy the “Upgrade science facilities” from the Upgrade Facilities option on your computer.

[QSF2.02] Tell Miss Chang about the new equipment‌

Full description = (2) Tell Miss Chang you have ordered new equipment for her

In the evening, talk to Miss Chang in her classroom about the New Equipment. This will give you 1 Influence point.

[QSF2.03] Check in on Miss Chang’s classroom

Full description = (3) Check in on Miss Chang’s classroom during school hours

Mr Mykock will visit you the following morning and give you a warning. During the day, visit Miss Chang’s classroom. You will then see Miss Chang’s clothes dissolving solution in action.

[QSF2.04] See if Miss Chang needs anything else

Full description = (4) Check back with Miss Chang in the evening to see if there is anything else she needs

Visit Miss Chang in the evening again and ask her for “further help with the board”. She will say she wants a lab technician.

[QSF2.05] Ask about hiring a lab technician

Full description = (5) Summon Samantha to your office during school hours and ask about hiring a lab technician

During the day, use your phone to call Sam into your office and talk about the New Technician. She’ll say she needs 3 days. This quest action will change to “Wait a few days” (see QSF2.06, below).

[QSF2.06] Wait a few days‌

Full description = (5) Wait a few days for Sam to ask around town and see if there is anyone looking for work.

On day 4, call Sam back into your office and ask about the Lab Technician. She’ll say she’s found 2 candidates, who you can interview.

Note: Sam needs 3 days, not 3 working days, so if you ask Sam on Thursday you can hold the interviews on Monday.

If you accept Trixie’s offer of a blowjob, then you will hire Trixie. If you refuse her offer, you will hire Anna. To unlock this quest, you can select either candidate.

If you select Anna, then that night Trixie will visit you at your apartment. She will offer you a blowjob if you appoint her as the new dance teacher.

[QSF2.07] Visit Miss Chang‌

Full description = (6) Visit Miss Chang and see how she’s getting on with her new assistant.

Speak to Miss Chang in the evening. If you have hired Anna, Miss Chang will thank you, you will get 1 Influence Point, and this quest action will be completed.

If you hire Trixie, then Miss Chang will be annoyed with you, and this quest action will change to “Summon Trixie to your office” (see QSF2.08, below).

[QSF2.08] Summon Trixie to your office‌

Full description = (6) Summon Trixie to your office and figure out what to do with her

During the day, use your office phone to summon Trixie. You will appoint her as Dance Teacher and hire Anna, the other candidate, as the lab technician.

This action will then disappear and you will get the “Visit Miss Chang and see how she’s getting on with her new assistant” action (see QSF2.07, above).

You will then need to visit Miss Chang in the evening again (see QSF2.07). This time she will thank you, you will get 1 Influence Point, and this quest action will be completed.

[QSF2.09] Wait for Miss Chang to ask for assistance

Full description = (7) Wait for Miss Chang to ask for further assistance

Complete A Troublesome Inspector action QSF5.7. This involves you opening the old headmaster’s safe and reading his notes about the school’s owners. You discover a company called British Defense System Manufacturers (BDSM) appears to be involved.

In the evening, speak to Ruth about “the notes in the old headmaster’s safe”. She will take you to her house to have a private discussion. (This action is also required for the “If a Headmaster Falls in the Wood Quest, QM2.6) During the discussion, she will ask you to purchase a 3D printer for her.

[QSF2.10] Purchase a 3D Printer

Full description = (7) Purchase a 3D printer for Miss Chang This is not available in the game yet.

[QSF3] Priti as a Picture‌


Mr Wilson the math teacher appears to have an unhealthy fixation on one of the students. A sweet and innocent girl by the name of Priti. He has asked for your help to steel her email password.

Unlocking this Quest

To unlock this staff quest, you will need to visit Mr Wilson in his apartment during the evening, and agree to steal Priti’s social media password.

[QSF3.01] Ask Miss Chang‌

Full description = (1) Ask Miss Chang if she knows how to steal someone’s email password without them knowing.

You will first need to upgrade the science classroom (QSF2.01). You do not need to have told Miss Chang about the upgrade. (This means you can complete QSF3.01 before you complete QSF2.2).

In the evening, visit Miss Chang in her classroom and ask about “stealing passwords” and then about “the keylogger program”.

[QSF3.02] Summon Priti

Full description = (2) Use the phone in your office to summon Priti.

During the school day, use your office phone to call Priti to your office. You will then steal her password and social media pictures.

[QSF3.03] Deliver Priti’s Password‌

Full description = (3) Deliver Priti’s password to Mr Wilson.

Visit Mr Wilson in the evening and talk to him about “Priti’s password”. You will give him the password, and you will get 1 Influence Point.

[QSF3.04] Check back with Mr Wilson

Full description = (4) Check back with Mr Wilson another night to see if there is anything else he needs

Visit Mr Wilson in the evening and ask for “more help with the board”. He will tell you that he wants nude pictures of Priti. You can agree or disagree. If you

agree, see QSF3.05. If you disagree, he will ask for a prostitute and Viagra instead.

If you have already hired Trixie (either as the lab technician or the dance teacher), see QSF3.09 for the next action. If you have not hired Trixie, see QSF3.08.

You can change your mind about taking the nude pictures. To do this, visit Mr Wilson in the evening again. Speak to him about the “photos of Priti”. If you originally disagreed and now want to take the photos of Priti, tell him “I’ve decided to help you”. If you originally agreed and now want to hire the prostitute instead, tell him “I’ve changed my mind”.

[QSF3.05] Summon Priti to your Office‌

Full description = (5) Summon Priti to your office then decide how to obtain naked photos of her.

Once you have $1000, buy the Digital Camera from the Online Shopping | Electronics option on your office computer. (You might already have this if you have completed the “Sally Learns the Ropes” staff quest (see QSF4.4). It will arrive the following day. You can then use your phone to summon Priti to your office.

You can then choose to “order her to strip” or “trick her”. The “order to strip” option will give you less influence points and will result in you losing grade, discipline and popularity points. (For details, see XTRA02. See QSF3.07 for the next actions if you take this route.)

You should therefore choose to “trick her”. You will then take some basic photos of her, and will unlock the ability to purchase the “school swimwear samples”.

See QSF3.06 (below) for the next action.

[QSF3.06] Order swimwear and uniform samples‌

Full description = (6) Order swimwear and uniform samples for Priti to try on. Then summon her to your office.

Once you have $1500, buy the School Swimwear Samples from the Online Shopping | Electronics option on your office computer. It will arrive the following weekday. You can then use your phone to summon Priti again and complete the photoshoot.

[QSF3.07] Decide whether to hand over the pictures‌

Full description #1 = (6) Visit Mr Wilson and decide whether to hand over the pictures.

Full description #2 = (6) Speak to Mr Wilson and decide whether to hand over the pictures.

Visit Mr Wilson’s apartment in the evening and talk to him about the photos of Priti. You can decide whether to hand them over or not. If you hand them over, you will get 2 influence points and this staff quest will be completed.

If you refuse to hand over the photos, he will ask for a prostitute and some Viagra instead.

If you have already hired Trixie (either as the lab technician or the dance teacher), see QSF3.09 for the next action. If you have not hired Trixie, see QSF3.08.

Note: If you ordered Priti to strip, you will only get 1 influence point (not 2) if you give Mr Wilson the photos. In the morning, Samantha will tell you that Priti was seen running from your office in tears. Your grades, discipline and popularity will all decrease by 10. If this causes grades or discipline to fall to zero, you will get an immediate bad game ending.

[QSF3.08] Figure out a way to get a prostitute‌

Full description = (5) Figure out a way to get a prostitute for the Math teacher.

In order to complete this, you will need to hire Trixie. See the “Experiments Gone Wild” staff quest (QSF2.06) for how you can hire her.

[QSF3.09] Ask Trixie about local Prostitutes‌

Full description #1 = (5) Ask Trixie if she knows any local prostitutes. Full description #2 = (5) Summon Trixie to your office and ask if she knows any local prostitutes.

Once you have hired Trixie, use the phone in your office to ask her to come to your office. You will talk about the prostitute. The following day, check your email (on your office computer). You’ll need $2500 to order the prostitute.

[QSF3.10] Purchase some Viagra‌

Full description = (6) Purchase some Viagra from the online store.

Once you have $200, attempt to buy the Viagra pills from the Online Shopping | Health option on your office computer. When you get the option, buy the cheap

$20 pills instead. The pills will arrive the following weekday.

[QSF3.11] Deliver the Pills to Mr. Wilson‌

Full description = (7) Deliver the pills to Mr. Wilson and inform him that the prostitute has been ordered.

Once the pills have arrived and you’ve paid for the prostitute, see Mr. Wilson in the evening and tell him that “I have found you a prostitute”. Remove the warning label from the pills before you hand them over.

At the end of the following day, you’ll be told by Samantha that Mr. Wilson didn’t show up to his last class of the day. (If it’s a weekend, you’ll get a phone call from Miss Potts saying Mr. Wilson didn’t show up to a book club instead.) You’ll then automatically go to Mr. Wilson’s apartment.

You can choose to play through the scene however you want. The following evening, go back to Mr. Wilson’s apartment and talk about Candy. You will get 2 Influence points. That completes this staff quest.

[QSF4] Sally Learns the Ropes‌


Sally is already an accomplished disciplinarian and you think she might be ready to learn some of your advanced teaching methods.

Note: Punishing Debbie

To complete this quest, you will need to give Debbie several private punishments. You will initially get the opportunity to punish Debbie either by patrolling the halls or teaching classes.

If you patrol the halls, you will sometimes get a random patrol event where Debbie gives Lucy a wedgie. If you teach classes, you will sometimes get a random event where Debbie is bullying Lucy.

You can only complete these quest actions when giving Debbie a private punishment. You will not be able to progress this quest if you give her a public punishment or punish her in class instead.

Unlocking this Quest

You will unlock this quest by giving Debbie a private punishment. She will start the punishment at Level 2. You are told that you will not be able to level her up during this punishment but it is still worth giving a severe punishment to earn as much money as possible.

The next weekday morning you will see a scene with Sally and Izzy running. This quest will become unlocked. The option to buy the paddle will be unlocked. The option to propose a new Corporal Punishment rule to remove skirts will become available.

Alternative path: If you have not unlocked this quest by the time that you complete the “Order to the Chaos” main quest (QM1), then it will automatically unlock at the same time as the “A Man’s Work” main quest (QM3). The option to buy the paddle and propose the “remove skirts” rule will become available as well.

[QSF4.1] Purchase a paddle‌

Full description = (1) Purchase a paddle from the online store.

Once you have $500, buy the paddle from Online Shopping | Sex Toys option on your office computer. It will arrive the following weekday morning.

[QSF4.2] Remove skirts rule‌

Full description = (2) Convince the school board that skirts must be removed for corporal punishments.

Once you have Influence 4 and Discipline 25, pass the new Corporal Punishment rule to remove skirts at the Friday board meeting.

Note: passing this rule is also required as part of Rachel’s Student Quest (see QST2.02) and Amy’s Student Quest (see QST3.02), so you may have already completed this action.

[QSF4.3] Catch Debbie misbehaving (Part 1)‌

Full description = (3) Catch Debbie misbehaving and sentence her to a private punishment

Note: This is a large action, so for clarity it has been split into 2 parts, QSF4.3 and QSF4.4. But it is part of the same quest action.

Teach classes or do patrols until you see Debbie bulling Lucy again and you can give her another private punishment.

At the start of this punishment, you should get a message saying you have everything you need to cause sufficient pain and humiliation.

Debbie will start this punishment at Level 2. Remove her clothing & skirt. Position her with hands above her head, and do a body search. Position her bent over the desk and do a hand spanking (or ruler) spanking and a paddle spanking. Position her over Miss Newman’s knee and massage her buttocks. This will unlock a new “massage inner thighs” action. Massage her inner thighs. You will then get a message saying that you have raised Debbie to level 3.

Sally will tell you she is impressed, and you will get 1 Influence point from her.

[QSF4.4] Catch Debbie misbehaving (Part 2)‌

(For part 1 of this action, see QSF4.3, above)

Once you have $1000, buy the Digital Camera from the Online Shopping | Electronics option on your office computer. (You might already have the camera if you have completed the “Priti as a Picture” staff quest (see QSF3.05). The camera will arrive the following weekday.

Once the camera arrives, carry out a patrol. You will see Debbie start to apologize to Lucy, until Cassandra arrives and Debbie bullies Lucy again. When

Debbie arrives at your office after school, choose to give her another private punishment.

Note: this patrol event only happens once. If you do not complete it successfully (for example, if you do not have the camera, or you choose to give Debbie a public punishment instead), then see DEB06 for details of alternative options.

Debbie will start this punishment at Level 3. Remove her clothing & skirt. Position her with hands above her head, do a body search and use the camera to take pictures. Position her bent over the desk and do a ruler spanking and a paddle spanking. Position her over Miss Newman’s knee. Massage her inner thighs. This will unlock the “rub pussy” action. Rub her pussy. You will then get a message saying that you have raised Debbie to level 4.

Sally will say she’s worried about touching a student’s pussy, you will reassure her and you will get 1 Influence point.

At the end of the punishment, tell her to “let me touch you”. You will tell her that you are going to do a common trust exercise with her. Touch her hair and face, then touch her arms, then touch her legs, then touch her breasts. This will unlock the ability to propose the Very Strict Uniform Policy rule at the School Board, which allows you to confiscate clothing. You can also try to touch Debbie’s pussy but she will refuse.

The following morning, Miss Newman will ask you if you get turned on by watching her spank the girls. You will admit you do get aroused, and you will get

+1 Influence point.

[QSF4.5] Confiscate clothing‌

Full description = (4) Convince the school board to allow you to confiscate clothing that does not fit with the school’s uniform policy.

Once you have 6 Influence and 30 Discipline, pass the Very Strict Uniform Policy at the next Friday morning school board meeting.

[QSF4.6] Catch Debbie misbehaving‌

Full description = (5) Catch Debbie misbehaving in class and then sentence her to another private punishment.

Teach classes until you see Debbie being teased by Donna. Choose to give Debbie a private punishment.

Debbie will start this punishment at Level 4. Remove her clothing & skirt (her panties will also be removed). Position her with hands above her head, and do a body search or use the camera to take pictures. Position her bent over the desk and do a hand (or ruler) spanking and a paddle spanking.

Position her over Miss Newman’s knee and rub her pussy. This will unlock the fingering option. Position her with hands above her head and finger her to orgasm. You will then get a message saying that you have raised Debbie to level 5.

(At the end of this punishment, you can assign Debbie a role as a prefect, but this is not required to unlock this quest. However, you must assign her a role to complete the “Taming a Prefect” student quest, QST1.)

[QSF5] A Troublesome Inspector‌


In order to ensure the girls are not being mistreated the government sent an inspector to your school by the name Ruth Thomas. Ruth is determined to prevent you from being able to punish the girls yourself. She is immune to your charms and you will need to find some other way to convince her.

Unlocking this Quest

This quest is unlocked by holding the initial vote on the Corporal punishment rule “corporal punishments may be carried out on students by any teacher regardless of gender” at the Friday school board. For the initial vote, the discipline and influence requirements will be shown as “?”.

[QSF5.1] Visit Ruth in the teachers’ lounge‌

Full description = (1) Go and visit Ruth in the teachers’ lounge located in the office building.

If you have not already done so, unlock the “If a Headmaster Falls in the Woods” main quest (QM2) by opening the Recycle bin on your computer and reading the April 15 entry.

Go to the teachers’ lounge and speak to Ruth. Ask about “the old headmaster”. (You cannot ask Ruth about the old headmaster until the “If a Headmaster Falls in the Woods” main quest is unlocked.)

[QSF5.2] Speak to Miss Chang about the password

Full description = (2) Speak to Miss Chang about getting the password to the old headmaster’s computer.

In the evening, talk to Miss Chang in her classroom about “the old headmaster’s password”.

[QSF5.3] Spike Sally’s drink

Full description = (3) Spike Sally’s drink with the shrinking potion formula while she’s in the shower (Monday afternoon in the men’s changing rooms).

The first time you speak to Sally in the Sports Center changing room, she will apologize for exposing herself to you on Day 1. If you have not already done so,

speak to Sally on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon to have this initial conversation.

After you have had the initial conversation, then on Monday afternoon visit the men’s changing room. You will see Sally’s bag on a bench. Click on it.

[QSF5.4] Wait until the evening

Full description = (4) Wait until the evening.

This should be self explanatory. Either skip the period or find something else to do that afternoon, e.g. teaching a class.

You will then get a big cut scene with Sally and Miss Chang, where Sally shows Miss Chang that size isn’t everything. It ends with Sally spanking Miss Chang, and then Miss Chang will then give you the password.

[QSF5.5] Open the locked journal

Full description = (4) Open the locked journal entry in the recycle bin of the old headmaster’s computer.

Open the Recycle bin on your computer and read the (previously locked) April 16 entry.

[QSF5.6] Blackmail Ruth‌

Full description = (5) Ruth and the old headmaster were having an affair. Use the information to blackmail her.

During the day, go to the Teachers’ Lounge and speak to Ruth about the old headmaster’s journal.

In the evening, you will have the “third dream” event, with Sarah and her friend Rosie. (See OTH04)

[QSF5.7] Hope for a miracle‌

Full description = (6) Hope for a miracle.

Complete actions 1-3 from the “If a Headmaster falls in the woods” main quest (QM2.2 to QM2.5). This involves going to the lake and speaking to Jimmy about “the old headmaster” and “the old headmaster’s body”.

The following morning, Jimmy will take you to the spot where the headmaster died. You will find his wallet with the safe combination in it. Go to your office and

click on the bookcase. You will then be able to unlock the safe and you will get a cut scene. You read the notes the old headmaster was making about the school’s owners and find some intimate pictures of the old headmaster with Ruth.

This quest action will change to “Confront Ruth again in the teachers’ lounge” (see QSF5.8, below).

Fun note: during the cut scene, if you tell yourself that you’re a villain and you’re OK with that, then you’ll get the opportunity to humiliate Ruth by doing an underwear inspection on her later in the game.

[QSF5.8] Confront Ruth again‌

Full description = (6) Confront Ruth again in the teachers’ lounge.

Talk to Ruth in the Teachers’ lounge about “the old headmaster’s safe”.

You will have various options about how to speak to Ruth. If you told yourself that you were a villain in the earlier cut scene, you will blackmail her, and have the option to humiliate her further by doing an underwear inspection.

If you told yourself that you’re not a villain, you can choose whether to simply give her the photos, or to blackmail her. However, even if you decide to blackmail her, you can’t humiliate her further by doing an underwear inspection. Regardless of which option you choose, in the end Ruth will agree to your demands, although she will set out some conditions of her own.

Fun note: if you told yourself that you’re a villain and you’re OK with that during the earlier cut scene (QSF5.7), and then you decide to humiliate her, then you will be able to demand underwear inspections from her whenever you visit her in the teachers’ lounge.

Student Quest Walkthrough

[QST1] Taming a Prefect‌


You need a strong girl on your side to keep the others in line. Debbie would be ideal if she wasn’t so wild. Use Miss Newman to tame the savage girl in your office.

Unlocking this Quest

To unlock this event, you will need to do paperwork in your office three times. The first time, Maxine will introduce herself. The second time, Lucy will come to you wanting help. (If you have popularity 5+, you will give Lucy a job: see PAP03 for details.) The third time, Maxine will demand that you stop the use of corporal punishment.

During the week, do a patrol. You will see the “Debbie shows Maxine who’s boss” event (PAT09), where Debbie confronts Maxine and decides to give her a spanking. (You can either intervene and stop the spanking, or wait and watch Debbie give the spanking.)

The following Sunday afternoon, you will automatically see an event where Maxine holds a protest (ST101). You can choose to break it up, or to walk away. Either option will unlock this quest. However, if you break it up your popularity will decrease by 2 points.

WARNING: Until you complete this quest, Maxine will keep giving protests every Sunday afternoon. If you break it up, you will lose 2 popularity points, and if you walk away you will lose 2 discipline points.

[QST1.1] Raise Debbie to Level 5

Full description = (1) Raise Debbie to Level 5 and assign her the role of Prefect. Follow the questlog for Miss Newman.

To complete this, you need to complete actions 1-5 in the “Sally Learns the Ropes” staff quest (QSF4.1 to QSF4.5). At the end of the punishment where you raise Debbie to level 5 you should choose to “assign role”. Debbie will give you a handjob and you will make her a prefect.

[QST1.2] Wait until Sunday

Full description = Wait until Sunday and have Debbie put an end to Maxine’s protests.

The following Sunday afternoon, you will automatically see an event where Maxine holds a protest (ST102). However, this time Debbie will stop the protest.

[QST2] The Headmaster’s Pet‌


A cute young woman named Rachel keeps falling asleep in lessons. She appears to be addicted to computer games, although you suspect this is merely a symptom of some deeper problem. You will need to learn more about her if you are to help her overcome her addiction. Perhaps you can also find a role for her to help you in the running of the school.

Unlocking this Quest

To unlock this event, teach classes until you see Rachel falling asleep in class, and choose to give her a private punishment.

If this is the first time you have punished Rachel, you will automatically decide to give her a private punishment. Otherwise, you will need to choose to punish her after school and give her a private punishment.

During this punishment you will not be able to level her up during this punishment but it is still worth giving a severe punishment to earn as much money as possible.

In the evening, spy on her room in the evening and you will see the “Rachel and the Ointment” event (SPY04) where Donna and Maxine comfort Rachel, Maxine takes a photo of her bottom for evidence, and Donna rubs some ointment on Rachel’s bottom.

In the morning, you will then automatically see Rachel’s “Sleeping in Reception, Part 1” event (ST201). This quest will then unlock.

During the Sleeping in Reception event, you will have the option to order her to your office after school. However because you haven’t been able to purchase the aloe vera cream yet, you won’t be able to raise her to the next level.

(If you let her go, you will get +1 popularity. Alternatively, you can still get money or discipline points by giving her a private or public punishment.)

[QST2.01] Purchase the Ointment

Full description = (1) Purchase the ointment from the online store to provide extra pleasure during punishment.

Once you have $50, buy the Aloe Vera Cream from the Online Shopping | Health option on your office computer. It will arrive the following weekday.

[QST2.02] Allow skirts to be removed‌

Full description = (2) Convince the school board to allow skirts to be removed to provide extra humiliation.

Unlock the “Sally learns the Ropes” Staff quest (QSF4) by giving Debbie her first private punishment. This will also unlock the ability to propose the “remove skirts” rule. You can then pass the rule at the Friday school board (see QSF4.2 for details).

Note: passing this rule is also required as part of Sally’s Staff Quest (see QSF4.2) and Amy’s Student Quest (see QST3.02), so you may have already completed this action.

[QST2.03] Catch Rachel falling asleep

Full description = (3) Catch Rachel falling asleep in class again then convince her to talk to you about her night-time habits.

Teach classes until you see Rachel falling asleep in class again, and choose to give her a private punishment. At the start of the punishment, you will say to yourself that “I should have everything I need now”.

Rachel will start this punishment at Level 1. Remove her clothing & skirt. Position her bent over the desk and do a hand spanking and ruler spanking. Position her over Miss Newman’s knee and apply the ointment, spank her and massage her buttocks. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to the next level (level 2).

At the end of the punishment, give her the special homework assignment. You tell her that she should be masturbating instead of playing computer games.

[QST2.04] Spy on Rachel’s room

Full description = (3) Spy on Rachel’s room to make sure she does her homework.

After you have given Rachel her special homework assignment, spy on her room in the evening. You will see her trying to masturbate (but poorly).

Note: if you get a message saying that it doesn’t look as if Rachel is here, then spy on the shower room first. You will see Rachel taking a shower by herself. Once you have seen this scene, you can spy on Rachel’s room and see her trying to do her “homework”.

[QST2.05] Assign her the role of your trainee‌

Full description = (3) Catch Rachel falling asleep in class again then assign her the role of your trainee. You may need to unlock new punishment actions first by following Miss Newman’s questline.

If you have not already done so, you will need to purchase a paddle (see QSF4.1) and then raise Debbie to punishment level 3. See QSF4.3 for details. This will unlock the “massage inner thighs” option.

Teach classes until you see Rachel falling asleep again, and give her a private punishment.

Rachel will start this punishment at Level 2. Remove her clothing & skirt. Position her with hands above her head, and do a body search. (If you have it, you can use the camera to take pictures instead of doing a body search).

Position her bent over the desk and do a hand (or ruler) spanking and a paddle spanking. Position her over the knee, apply the ointment, give her a hand spanking and massage her inner thigh. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to the next level (level 3).

At the end of the punishment, assign Rachel a role. You assign her a role of personal trainee.

[QST2.06] Meet with Rachel at Lunchtime‌

Full description = (4) Meet with Rachel at lunchtime in your office the next school day.

The afternoon after you assign Rachel a role, there will be a scene where Rachel reports to you. You will receive a message saying that you have a new follower: Rachel, and that you can click on her icon to interact with her.

[QST2.07] Explore the school with Rachel‌

Full description = (4) Explore the school with Rachel and try to work out what is causing her body confidence issues.

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon, go to the sports Center. You will get a scene where Rachel says she doesn’t like changing with other girls, and you agree she can change with you.

Go into the men’s changing room and there will be a scene where Sally and Rachel get changed together.

Note: you have to click on the Sports Center and then on the men’s changing room. If you click on the quick access button on the main map menu, you will not be able to complete this quest action.

[QST2.08] Make Rachel take her Shirt off‌

Full description = (5) Find a reason to make Rachel take her shirt off in front of the other girls during a sports lesson.

You will need to complete two practice games. To get the practice matches, you will need to teach sports lessons in the afternoon. Every time you teach 5 sports lessons, you will play a match during the fifth lesson.

In addition, during the afternoon when you see Rachel and Sally getting changed together (QST2.07), you will automatically play a match.

During the first practice game, you will need to play a “shirts and skins” game. You will need popularity 9+ to do this.

During the second practice game, you will need to make the teams switch things around so the other team takes of their tops. You will need discipline 15+ to do this.

Note: If you did not have enough popularity or discipline to get the girls to play “shirts and skins” or to swap things around, then you will need to play another 5 games and you will get another opportunity to do so.

During this event, you will also be asked if you prefer big boobs or small boobs. You should say you prefer small boobs or you like both equally.

(See SPT03, The First Match, and SPT04, The Second Match, for more details. See XTRA09 if you said that you liked big boobs.)

[QST2.09] Make Rachel take her Shirt off in your Office‌

Full description = (6) Find a reason to make Rachel take her shirt off in front of you in your office. Perhaps by making her change clothes for a public punishment.

If you have not already done so, pass the Public Punishments “punishment outfit” rule at the Friday school board. You will need Discipline 25+ and Influence 4+ to do so.

Teach classes until you see Rachel falling asleep again. Order her to your office after school and give her a public (not private) punishment. Say that you like her

boobs. You will discover her weakness: that she had body envy of other curvier women. You tell her you will teach her a special confidence building exercise.

Completing this event will unlock the ability to purchase the “cat ears”.

[QST2.10] Purchase some cat ears

Full description = (7) Purchase some cat ears online

Once you have $150, buy the Cat Ears from the Online Shopping | Clothing option on your office computer. It will arrive the following weekday.

[QST2.11] Punish Rachel Again

Full description = (7) Punish Rachel again and teach her to be less anxious about her body.

If you have not already done so, you will need to purchase a camera and then raise Debbie to punishment level 4. See QSF4.3 for details. This will unlock the “rub pussy” option.

Teach classes until you see Rachel falling asleep in class, and choose to give her a private punishment. At the start of the punishment, you will say to yourself “I feel like I know Rachel a lot better now”.

Rachel will start this punishment at Level 3. Remove her clothing & skirt. Position her with hands above her head, do a body search and use the camera to take pictures.

Position her bent over the desk and do a ruler spanking and a paddle spanking. Position her over the knee. Massage her inner thighs and rub her pussy. You will then get a message saying you have raised her to the next level (level 4)

At the end of the punishment, carry out the Special Confidence Building Technique. She will act like a cat and you will pet her. You will also tell her to do her “homework” that evening.

[QST2.12] Spy on Rachel’s Room again‌

Full description = (7) Spy on Rachel’s room again

In the evening, spy on Rachel’s room. You will see her trying to masturbate again. The following morning, you will get a scene with Rachel sleeping in reception again.

Decide to teach her a lesson. Pull her knickers down (you can also peak at her vagina if you want) and then open up her shirt. This will then allow you to propose a new “strip to underwear” rule at the school board.

Note #1: if you don’t unlock the rule during the Sleeping in Reception event, you will need to teach classes until you see Rachel falling asleep again, and give her a private punishment. You won’t be able to raise her punishment level, but doing the punishment will then unlock the new rule.

Note #2: During the Sleeping in Reception event, you will have the option to order her to your office after school. If you let her go, you will get +1 popularity. Alternatively, you can get money or discipline points by giving in her private or public punishment. However, you won’t be able to raise her to the next punishment level until you have unlocked the new rule.

[QST2.13] Strip down to Underwear Rule‌

Full description = (7) Convince the school board to let you make the girls strip down to their underwear for punishments and then punish Rachel again. You will need to be able to punish the girls yourself before you can unlock this rule.

You will need to fully complete the Main Quest “A Man’s Work” (QM3) to that you can punish the girls yourself.

Once you have Influence 10 and Discipline 55, pass the new Corporal Punishment rule “students may be ordered to strip down to their underwear” at the Friday board meeting.

Teach classes until you see Rachel falling asleep again, or ask Rachel a hard (or impossible) question during the Friday pop quiz. Choose to give her a private punishment. At the start of the punishment, you will say to yourself “OK Rachel, time for your training to really kick up a notch”.

Rachel will start this punishment at Level 4. Order her to strip to her underwear. Because Rachel isn’t wearing a bra, this will mean she is just wearing her panties. Sally will also strip to the waist in order to make Rachel jealous.

Position her with hands above her head and then pinch her nipples and lick her nipples. (It doesn’t matter if you do this or Sally does it.)

Position her bent over the desk and give her a ruler spanking and a paddle spanking. Position her over the knee and massage her thighs (or rub her pussy). You will then get a message saying you have raised her to the next level (level 5).

At the end of the punishment, talk to Rachel about the Test of Confidence. You will tell her to shower with the other girls.

[QST2.14] Watch Rachel Showering

Full description = (7) Watch Rachel showering with the other girls.

In the evening, spy on the shower room. You will see Rachel take a shower with the other girls.

[QST2.15] Click on the Headmaster’s Locker

Full description = (7) Click on the Headmaster’s locker on a Thursday afternoon.

On Thursday afternoon, teach a sports lesson. Rachel asks to see your boner and then masturbates you.

Note: you can see this scene by using the “teach a sports lesson” quick launch button on the main menu. You do not have to actually click on the headmaster’s locker in the changing room.

[QST2.16] Catch Rachel Falling Asleep

Full description = (7) Catch Rachel falling asleep again and give her a private punishment.

Teach classes until you see Rachel falling asleep again, or ask Rachel a hard (or impossible) question during the Friday pop quiz. Choose to give her a private punishment. You will tell yourself “now that Rachel is comfortable being naked when we are alone together I think it’s time to help her have her first orgasm.”

Rachel will start this punishment at Level 5. Order her to strip to her underwear. Position her with hands above her head and then pinch her nipples and lick her nipples.

Position her bent over the desk and give her a ruler spanking and a paddle spanking. Position her over the knee and give her a hand spanking and rub her pussy. You will then get a message saying you have raised her to the next level (Level 6).

At the end of the punishment choose to give her Special Homework Assistance. She will masturbate on your desk and you will agree to “help” her that evening.

[QST2.17] Visit Rachel’s dorm room at night

Full description = (7) Visit Rachel’s dorm room at night and climb in through the window.

In the evening, spy on Rachel’s room. You will climb into her room and help her achieve her first orgasm. She will then masturbate you. You will then fall asleep and not wake up until the morning.

[QST2.18] Teach a Class

Full description = (7) Teach a class and make sure that Rachel doesn’t fall asleep.

Teach a class. You will notice that Rachel is “bright eyed and bushy tailed”. After the class the girls will discuss a new DLC for Rachel’s game that adds adult content and means the winning character can have sex with the losing character. Rachel will tell you she intends to masturbate that evening to help her sleep.

[QST2.19] Make Sure Rachel’s Gaming Addiction is Cured

Full description = (7) Spy on Rachel’s room and make sure she is cured of her gaming addiction.

In the evening, spy on Rachel’s room. You will see her playing her game. Choose to “distract her” and then “distract her again”. She will lose the game and her computer character will be forced to have sex with the winner. Rachel will start to masturbate as she watches the scene.

The following morning, you will see Rachel sleeping in reception again.

You can choose whatever options you want, but for the full scene, choose to “teach her a Lesson”, and then “wait for someone else to find her”. Sally, Izzy and Samantha will humiliate Rachel, and then Sally will insert a butt plug in Rachel.

Fun note: if Sally inserts the butt plug, then in the morning, you will see Rachel’s follower icon appear on the screen. If you click on it you will get a short scene where Rachel tells you she is having the worst morning ever.

If you choose to insert the butt plug, see QST2.20. If you didn’t insert the butt plug, see QST2.21.

[QST2.20] Teach a Class (Butt plug version)‌

Full description = (7) Teach a class and make sure Rachel stays awake.

In the morning, teach a class. You will notice that Rachel looks rather uncomfortable, and that it’s nearly time to give her a promotion.

In the afternoon, Rachel will come to your office and ask you to remove the butt plug. She will then spend the afternoon sleeping naked in your lap. At the end of the afternoon you will wake her up and tell her to put some clothes on for her punishment. See QST2.22.

[QST2.21] Teach a Class (No butt plug)‌

Game note: If you do not insert the butt plug, the quest action will not change. It will remain as “Spy on Rachel’s room and make sure she is cured of her gaming addiction” until you have completed her after-school punishment.

In the morning, teach a class. You will tell yourself that Rachel looks incredibly sleepy but is trying really hard to stay awake, and that it’s nearly time to give her a promotion.

In the afternoon, Rachel will come to your office. She will tell you she is feeling very sleep. You will agree that she can spend the afternoon sleeping naked in your lap. At the end of the afternoon you will wake her up and tell her to put some clothes on for her punishment. See QST2.22.

[QST2.22] Teach a Class (Punishment)‌

Full description = (7) Teach a class and make sure Rachel stays awake.

(Note: This is part of the same action as QST2.20 / QST2.21. For clarity it has been split into a separate part, but it is still part of the same quest action.)

When you start the punishment, you will tell yourself that you need to come up with a new way to punish her. A new OTK position will be unlocked (to have Rachel straddle your lap).

Rachel will start this punishment at Level 6. Order her to strip to her underwear. Position her with hands above her head and lick her nipples.

Position her bent over the desk and give her a hand spanking, a ruler spanking and a paddle spanking.

Make sure the headmaster (not Miss Newman) is selected as the disciplinarian. Position her over the knee and massage her thighs (or rub her pussy). Then use the new position to spank her while she is facing you. You will then get a message saying you have raised her to the next level (Level 7).

At the end of the punishment choose to give Rachel her Promotion. You will make her your Personal Executive Trainee (or P.E.T.). She will then strip naked and masturbate you.

You will then tell yourself that you think Rachel has been mostly cured of her body envy, but may have some lingering issues. You say that you will continue to observe her behavior, particularly when you are interacting with other students.

Fun note: After you have made Rachel your PET, her classroom events will change, and Rachel will sit at your desk during lessons. You will also get a new interaction with Rachel in your office during the afternoon, where she will strip naked and you can get her to rub herself again you and masturbate you again.

[QST2.23] Continue Observing Rachel’s Behavior‌

Full description = (7) Continue observing Rachel’s behavior as you go about your business around the school. (You will need to pass the body search rule.)

Teach classes until you see a scene where the other girls are asking questions about Rachel’s cat ears and collar. You will tell the girls that Rachel gets special treatment because she is your trainee. You will then invite Rachel to sit at the teacher’s desk, and you will teach the class. You get +2 grades.

If you have not already done so, pass the Body Search rule at the Friday school board meeting (see REFR04 for details). You will need Influence 11 and Discipline 80 to pass the rule.

On Friday afternoon, do a Body Search of Lucy. (This step is not required but it helps develop the story. See SCH04 for details of Lucy’s body search.)

On Wednesday afternoon, do a Body Search of Alice (See SCH06 for details of doing Alice’s body search). Rachel will try to stop you from feeling Alice’s breasts. You take Rachel into the stationary cupboard and punish her. You then discover that Rachel is getting jealous when you are touching the other girls.

You tell her you’ll find a way to help her manage her jealousy issue.

Note: if you have the discipline points, you can pass the body search rule and carry out the body search on Alice before you have completed the

classroom scene where the girls are asking questions about Rachel’s cat ears.

Choose to do a patrol. You will see Donna giving Rachel a hard time about her cat ears. Debbie will then stop Donna.

Note: If you have not already completed it, you will probably have to complete Priti’s patrol event (QST4.02) before you can see this patrol event.

You tell yourself that you’ve been promising Debbie a reward and it’s time she got one. You think you will share your pet with your prefect.

[QST2.24] Summon Debbie and Rachel to Your Office

Full description = (7) Summon Debbie and Rachel to your office and give Rachel an important lesson about sharing.

Use your office phone to summon Debbie and Rachel to your office. You will ask yourself if you want Debbie to play with you pet. Say yes. (If you say no, the scene will not happen.)

Rachel and Debbie will arrive. They will strip, have sex with each other, and then give you a joint blowjob.

[QST3] The Spanking Connoisseur‌


A young athlete named Amy is constantly late and always runs around at dangerous speeds as a result. It’s a bad habit that is disruptive to your lessons and you fear she might one day injury someone. From observation of the girl during her punishments you have determined that she is a masochist, deriving sexual pleasure from pain. A girl like that could prove useful to you as a practice subject to help train your staff and Prefects in the art of discipline.

Note: Punishing Amy

To complete this quest, you will need to give Amy several private punishments. You will initially get the opportunity to punish Amy either by patrolling the halls or teaching classes.

If you patrol the halls, you will sometimes get a random patrol event where Amy is running in the halls. If you teach classes, you will sometimes get a random event where Amy is late to class. Order her to your office after school and then sentence her to a private punishment.

Unlocking this Quest

You will unlock this quest by giving Amy a private punishment. She will start the punishment at Level 2. You are told that you will not be able to level her up during this punishment but it is still worth giving a severe punishment to earn as much money as possible.

That evening, spy on Amy’s room. (Note: Amy’s room will initially be shown as an “unknown room”.) You will see Maxine ask Amy to take a photo to gather evidence against the headmaster and this quest will unlock.

[QST3.01] Spank Amy in front of her Classmates‌

Full description = (1) Spank Amy in front of her classmates to see how she reacts

Teach classes until Amy is late for class. Decide to punish her now. She will become aroused and you will get +1 Horniness point.

[QST3.02] Remove Skirts Rule‌

Full description = (2) Convince the school board to allow skirts to be removed as part of a punishment.

Unlock the “Sally Learns the Ropes” Staff Quest (QSF4) by giving Debbie her first punishment. This also unlocks the option to propose a new Corporal Punishment rule to remove skirts.

Once you have Influence 4 and Discipline 25, pass the new Corporal Punishment rule to remove skirts at the Friday board meeting.

Note: passing this rule is also required as part of Sally’s Staff Quest (see QSF4.2) and Rachel’s Student Quest (see QST2.02), so you may have already completed this action.

[QST3.03] Sentence Amy to a Private Punishment

Full description = (3) Sentence Amy to a Private Punishment

Teach classes or do patrols until you get the opportunity to give Amy another private punishment. At the start of the punishment, Amy will give you a riding crop to punish her with.

Note: if you did not spy on Amy’s room after her first punishment, she will not give you the riding crop, and you will not be able to raise her to Level 2.

Amy will start the punishment at level 1. Remove her clothing & skirt. Position her bent over the desk and do a hand spanking and ruler spanking. Position her over the knee and do a hand spanking. Put her in the diaper position and use the riding crop on her inner thigh. You will get a message saying you have maxed out her pain, humiliation and pleasure and raised her to the next level (level 2).

Ask her about her sex life. She will admit to masturbating frequently and making out with multiple other students.

[QST3.04] Spy on Amy’s Room Again

Full description = (3) Spy on Amy’s room again

In the evening, spy on Amy’s room. You will see her spanking herself with her riding crop. You realize that she is receiving pain, humiliation and pleasure in her own time, and this is rendering her immune to your methods.

This will unlock 4 new quest actions, to find out her sources of pain, humiliation and pleasure (see QST3.05, QST3.06 and QST3.09) and to punish her in class again (see QST3.10). You can complete these events in any order.

[QST3.05] Find Amy’s Source of Pain‌

Full description = (1) Find out Amy’s source of regular pain – speak with her in the sports Center on Tuesday morning.

On Tuesday morning, go to the sports Center and talk to Amy. She will show you her abs. You realize that her exercise regime is the source of pain.

If you have popularity >=10 then you can also find out about her source of humiliation (see QST3.06 below).

[QST3.06] Find Amy’s Source of Humiliation‌

Full description = (2) Find out Amy’s source of constant humiliation –speak with her in the sports Center on Tuesday morning.

Once you have popularity 10+, go to the sports Center on Tuesday morning and talk to Amy. She’ll tell you she was expelled because she did a porn shoot. You will then need to find the magazine she posed for. See QST3.07 for the next action.

Note: this quest action can be completed at the same time as QST3.05, finding Amy’s source of pain.

[QST3.07] Track down the Magazine‌

Full description = (2) Find out Amy’s source of constant humiliation –track down the magazine she posed topless for.

Once you have $2000, use the Web Search option on your office computer to search for her porn. The next day, check your email (also on your office computer) and you’ll be able to buy the magazine. It will arrive 5 working days (i.e. a full week) later.

After looking through the magazine, you will say that you need to spy on Amy again. See QST3.08.

[QST3.08] Spy on her Room again (Olympics)‌

Full description = (2) Find out Amy’s source of constant humiliation – spy on her room again another night.

In the evening, spy on Amy’s room. You will see her being upset about missing the Olympics. You will realize that her humiliation comes from being kicked off the Olympic squad.

[QST3.09] Find Amy’s Source of Pleasure‌

Full description = (3) Find out Amy’s source of regular pleasure – patrol the halls and find out what Amy gets up to between lessons.

You will need to punish Amy in class without her skirt first. See QST3.10, below.

Do a patrol during the week. You will see Amy making out with Tia in the stationary cupboard. You will automatically choose to give Amy a punishment after school.

Note: after you have completed the four actions (spanking Amy in class without a skirt, and finding her sources of Pain, Pleasure and Humiliation), then you will need to give her another private punishment (see QST3.11). If you complete all the other requirements before you spy on Amy and Tia, then you can use the punishment you give her here to automatically complete QST03.11 as well.

[QST3.10] Punish Amy in Class without her Skirt‌

Full description = (4) Punish Amy in Class without her skirt to see how she reacts.

Teach classes until Amy is late for class. Decide to punish her now. The other girls will tie her up and tickle her. You will learn she is turned on by being tied up.

[QST3.11] Catch Amy Misbehaving‌

Full description = (5) Catch Amy Misbehaving and sentence her to a private punishment.

If you have not already done so, buy the paddle from Online Shopping | Sex Toys option on your office computer. It will cost $500. The paddle will arrive the following weekday.

Note: the paddle is also required as part of Sally’s Staff Quest (see QSF4.1) and Rachel’s Student Quest (see QST2.05), so you may have already bought this.

Teach classes or do patrols until you see Amy misbehaving, and sentence her to a private punishment.

Note: you will automatically sentence Amy to an after-school punishment when you see her making out with Tia in the cupboard. If you have finished all the other requirements, you can complete this action then.

During the punishment, you will need to raise Amy to level 3. You may have already done this. In this case, you can simply choose to “end punishment” although is still worth giving a severe punishment to earn as much money as possible.

If Amy is still at Level 2, you should remove her clothing & skirt. Position her bent over the desk and give her a ruler spanking and paddle spanking. Position her over the knee and do a hand spanking. Put her in the diaper position and use the riding crop on her inner thigh. You will get a message saying you have maxed out her pain, humiliation and pleasure and raised her to the next level (level 3).

At the end of the punishment, you will see her trying to touch herself, and you will tie her hands behind her back. Afterwards, choose to “help her out”. You will demonstrate “edging orgasms” on her by fingering and licking her to multiple orgasms.

[QST3.12] Spy on Amy’s room again (Tia)

Full description = (5) Spy on Amy’s room again.

In the evening, spy on Amy’s room again. You will see Amy teaching Tia how to give her multiple orgasms. You will tell yourself that you will need to take even more drastic measures.

The ability to purchase the Chastity Panties will be unlocked.

[QST3.13] Purchase chastity panties

Full description = (5) Purchase chastity panties online.

Once you have $1000, buy the Chastity Panties from the Online Shopping | Clothing option on your office computer. It will arrive the following weekday.

If you have not completed the “A Man’s Work” quest (QM3), then when the panties arrive, you tell yourself that you should convince the school board to allow you to punish the girls yourself before you try to make Amy wear them. See QST3.15.

If you have completed the “A Man’s Work” quest, then you will tell yourself that you should patrol the halls again and try to catch her misbehaving. See QST3.16.

[QST3.14] Purchase a cane‌

Full description = (6) Purchase a cane (optional).

Once you have $1000, buy the paddle from Online Shopping | Sex Toys option on your office computer. The cane will arrive the following weekday.

Note: you do not have to do this step, but it will make it easier to raise Amy’s punishment level when spanking her.

[QST3.15] Convince the School Board‌

Full description = (7) Convince the school board to allow you to punish the girls yourself.

You will need to fully complete the Main Quest “A Man’s Work” (QM3) to that you can punish the girls yourself. This action will then change to “Patrol the halls”. (See QST3.16.)

[QST3.16] Patrol the halls‌

Full description = (7) Patrol the halls and look out for Amy misbehaving. Do a patrol. You will see Amy run into Faye. You will see the nurse treat Faye.

Fun note: if you have completed the “Faye the Faker” event (OTH13) before this event, you will see an extra scene when the nurse is treating Faye, and Faye pulls down her underwear and asks the nurse to take her temperature to prove she isn’t faking her illness.

You will then automatically give Amy a private punishment that evening. At the start of the punishment the option to use the cane will be unlocked.

Amy will start the punishment at Level 3. Remove her clothing & skirt. Amy will volunteer to remove her underwear as well. Position her bent over the desk and give her a hand spanking, ruler spanking and paddle spanking. Position her over the knee, do a hand spanking and massage her buttocks. You will get a

message saying you have maxed out her pain, humiliation and pleasure and raised her to the next level (level 4).

Note: This is just one way of completing the punishment. You can carry out different options if you wish. If you bought the cane (see QST3.14), you can use that.

At the end of the punishment, give her the chastity belt. You will tell Amy she is not allowed to orgasm for seven days. Debbie will put the chastity belt on Amy for you.

[QST3.16] Spy on Amy and Debbie

Full description = (7) Spy on Amy and Debbie in the dorm room shower.

In the evening, spy on the shower room. You will see Debbie helping Amy to take a shower.

[QST3.17] Resist Amy’s Attempts

Full description = (7) Resist Amy’s attempts to get you to remove her underwear for one whole week.

The first weekday morning after you put the chastity panties on Amy, she will come to your office and beg you to remove the chastity underwear. You will refuse.

The next weekday morning, Amy will beg again, but this time she will offer to show you her boobs. The morning after that, she will come to your office again, and offer to jerk you off. The next morning, she will offer to suck your cock.

You can accept or refuse these offers. If you accept, you see a scene with Amy making good on her offer, but the timer will reset, which means you will have to replay the whole week over again until you refuse.

The following weekday morning, Amy will come to your office again and offer to fuck you. You will tell her to come back after school. In the evening, you will automatically remove the chastity panties and then give Amy a private punishment.

Amy will start the punishment at Level 4. Remove her clothing & skirt. She won’t be wearing any underwear.

Position her bent over the desk and give her a hand spanking, ruler spanking, and paddle spanking. Put her in the diaper position and use the riding crop on her inner thigh. Position her over your knee, give her a hand spanking and

massage her buttocks. You will get a message saying you have maxed out her pain, humiliation and pleasure and raised her to the next level (level 5).

Note: This is just one way of completing the punishment. You can carry out different options if you wish. If you have the cane, you can use that.

At the end of the punishment, assign her a role. You will show her your copy of the Future Female Sports Stars magazine (from QST3.07) and you will have anal sex with her. She will then and she will agree to become a practice subject to help train other staff and Prefects in the art of discipline.

[QST4] The Reluctant Rebel‌‌

IMPORTANT NOTE: Priti’s “Desires” path.

When completing Priti’s student quest, you choose whether to punish her (the Punishment path), or to help her without punishing her (the Desires path).

In the current version of the game (0.12.3), some players may encounter issues with Priti’s desires path. This is usually only an issue for new games. If you completed the “Priti’s Achilles Heel” event (where she confesses to the homework scandal and you decide to help her) in version 0.11, you will not experience any issues.

However, if you start a new game in version 0.12, or if you did not see “Priti’s Achilles Heel” in your previous game, then you should only choose to play Priti’s punishment path, not the Desires path.


Initial Description:

Mr Mykock told you that the school’s owners had taken a particular interest in one of the students, Priti, and have offered you additional incentive to watch her being punished in our office. However, Priti is doing well at school and is top of your class, so you have no real reason to punish her. Perhaps though she has some other character flaws that can be solved using your punishment methods.

Once you have chosen Priti’s path:

You witnessed Priti giving her completed homework to another girl, Harriet, in exchange for chocolate. When confronted, Priti claimed to have a weakness for chocolate. You learned that she had been denied it by her overbearing mother, and that was why she could not control her cravings. However, you realized that this was the tip of the iceberg and there were much stronger desires than chocolate that Priti’s mother had her repress. Priti’s inability to act on her desires had left her weak-willed, timid and unable to stand up for herself. You resolved to help Priti by encouraging her to do the things her mother wouldn’t approve of and learn the nature of her repressed desires.

Unlocking this Quest

To unlock this event, you will need to complete the “A Man’s Work” (QM3) main quest and start the “Leave No Girl’s Behind” (QM4) main quest.

On Tuesday morning, Mr Mykock will speak to you and tell you that the school owners are interested in seeing Priti being punished in your office, and would be willing to pay double the normal rate for disciplining students. This quest will then unlock.

[QST4.01] Observe Priti in Class‌

Full description = (1) Observe Priti in class and watch for any misbehavior.

Teach classes until you get an event where you ask your class how long Tsar Nicholas II served as Emperor of Russia. Priti will correctly answer.

You tell yourself that Priti is an excellent student, and she should really be at university already. However, you wonder if there is some other aspect of her behavior that needs improving. You decide to watch out for her when you patrol.

[QST4.02] Observe Priti Whilst Patrolling the Halls‌

Full description = (1) Observe Priti whilst patrolling the halls

During the week, do a patrol. You will see Harriet and Priti talking. You hear Priti wanting something, but saying she doesn’t have any money. Harriet tells Priti there are other ways to pay. Priti agrees, and Harriet says she will visit Priti in her room that night.

[QST4.03] Spy on Priti’s Room

Full description = (1) Spy on Priti’s room and find out what she was planning with Harriet.

In the evening, spy on Priti’s room. (Note: if you have not already spied on her, then Priti’s room will initially be shown as an “unknown room”)

You will see that Priti has done math homework for Harriet in exchange for a bar of chocolate. You tell yourself this is a terrible scandal and that you should summon Priti to your office. Grades will decrease by 5 points.

Note: there is a special spy event that happens near the start of Chapter 2, where you smell Marijuana and you ask Maria Consuelo to do a search.

See REFR04 for details. If you have not already seen this event, you may get it when you try to spy on Priti. If this happens, simply spy on Priti the following evening.

Game note: you are told that grades will decrease by 5 every week until you resolve the issue. However, you do not actually get a weekly grade decrease.

[QST4.04] Summon Priti to your office‌

Full description = (1) Summon Priti to your office

During the day, use your office phone to call Priti to your office. She will immediately confess to giving Harriet the answers to Mr Wilson’s homework. She asks if you will punish her. You get tell her that you won’t punish her, or that you are afraid you must punish her.

Note: if you say you must punish her, you will spank her at the end of this event. However, it does not affect the choices you make later in the scene about whether to punish her again in the future.

You talk to her and discover that Priti’s weakness is her repressed desires. Priti has been repressed her whole life and subconsciously yearns to be free from the control of others. You decide that need to help Priti become more rebellious.

You then have to choose how to do this:

  • You can encourage her to act on her repressed desires, which doesn’t involve you resorting to punishments. (This is the “desires” path.)
  • Or you can to act on her repressed desires as well as deliberately breaking the rules, which involves you punishing Priti. (This is the “punishment” path.)

If you selected the Desires path, Priti admits that she liked it when you took pictures of her in a bikini. You tell her that you will arrange more photo sessions as a way to learn to do things her mother wouldn’t approve of. You agree to take a photoshoot of her after the play rehearsal on Wednesday evening.

If you selected the Punishment path, you tell her that she needs to purposely get herself in trouble, and that she will be punished afterwards. She then also admits that she liked it when you took pictures of her in a bikini, and you tell her that you will arrange more photo sessions. You agree to take a photoshoot of her after the play rehearsal on Wednesday evening.

If you chose to spank her earlier, then you will spank her now, and earn $400.

The following morning, you will get a scene with Priti where you tell Priti that you think she has repressed her normal desires. You say that you will stop by the sports centre on Wednesday after the school play to do another photoshoot. Priti also tells you that her favorite type of chocolate is chocolate cake. This unlocks a further task for Priti (QST4.08).

You then tell yourself that Harriet is the true criminal deserving of punishment, and you need to deal with her as a priority, otherwise grades may decline rapidly. This unlocks Harriet’s Student Quest (QST7).

If you selected the Desires paths, see QST4.06 and QST4.07 for the next actions. If you selected the Punishment path, then see QST4.05, QST4.06 and QST4.07.

Fun note: if you selected the Punishment path, you can do a fun body search on Priti on Tuesday morning where she tries to break the rules by hiding a liqueur chocolate.

[QST4.05] Punish Priti in Your Office (to Level 2)‌

Full description = (1) Learning to rebel – if Priti can’t rebel against you, then how can she hope to do so against her mother? You, therefore, convinced Priti of the need to be naughty. Catch Priti Misbehaving in class and punish her in your office.

If you have not already done so, you will need to buy the Aloe Vera Cream first. To do this, you will need to punish Rachel and spy on her room afterwards. See RAC01.

Teach classes until Priti throws a ball of paper at your head. To progress this quest, order her to your office after school. Priti will then automatically report to your office after the afternoon classes. Choose to give her a private punishment.

Note #1: You can also choose to ask Priti an impossible question during the Friday pop quiz. She will give a deliberately rude answer, and you can choose to punish her in your office.

Note #2: see Bad Girl Priti (CLA17) for the other punishment options you can choose. The other options can give you discipline/grade points but will not progress Priti’s student quest.

Priti will start this punishment at Level 1. Remove her clothing & skirt. (If you have passed the strip to underwear rule, you can choose to do that instead.)

Position her bent over the desk and do a hand spanking and ruler spanking. Position her over the knee and apply the ointment, spank her and massage her buttocks. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to the next level (level 2).

If you have already taken photos of Priti after the school play rehearsal (QST4.06) and have bought the cake from Patricia (QST4.07), then at the end of Priti’s punishment you will tell yourself that you think Priti has made progress in becoming more confident and rebellious, and that she’s ready for a little test.

See QST4.08.

[QST4.06] Meet Priti After the School Play‌

Full description = (2) Understanding her Desires – Priti is repressing her desires and they are bubbling up inside her waiting to explode. You urgently need to help her understand her needs and how to satisfy them. She says that she enjoyed your photoshoot together and that her mother certainly wouldn’t have approved. Perhaps it’s time for another photo shoot. Meet Priti after the school play rehearsal on Wednesday evening in the gymnasium.

Note: if you choose the Desires path, this task is shown as number (1), not (2).

On Wednesday evening, go to the gym.

Note: If you have not already completed it, you will see the Drama Night Part 2 event (OTH02), where Emily gives out the new costumes. Miss Potts will ask if you want to stay and watch the rehearsal of the first act. You can agree or disagree. See OTH02 for details. You will then need to visit the gym again the following Wednesday to complete this task.

At the gym, Claire will tell you that the girls are rehearsing again. Priti appears as Aphrodite. You tell yourself that posing in a skimpy outfit for the play should help Priti improve her confidence. You think that getting Priti to appear on stage fully naked would help even more, but first you need to get her more accustomed to showing off her body in private.

Note: you do not need to have seen Drama Night Part 2. However, the dialogue makes more sense if you have.

After the girls have finished rehearsing, you will have a private photoshoot with Priti.

Note: if you are on the non-punishment path, Priti will now advance to the next level (level 2).

At the end of the photoshoot, you will tell Priti that you want to test her confidence. You can now summon Priti to your office at any time during the school day by using your office phone.

[QST4.07] Open the Cafeteria and Speak with the Manager

Full description (Punishment path) =‌ Complete tasks 1 and 2 and then test Priti’s confidence and ability to act on her desires. You’re going to need to find something she really craves. Open the cafeteria and speak with the manager about purchasing a chocolate cake.

Full description (Desires path) = Complete task 1 and then test Priti’s confidence and ability to act on her desires. You’re going to need to find something she really craves. Open the cafeteria and speak with the manager about purchasing a chocolate cake.

If you have not already done so, you will need to build the cafeteria. To do this, buy the “Cafeteria” from the Upgrade Facilities option on your computer. It will cost $8,000. It takes a week before the cafeteria is ready.

You will also need to recruit Patricia Taylor, the Restaurant Manager, to run the cafeteria. To do this, you will need to complete the First Date with Samantha (OTH14), Meeting Lily (OTH15), The New Dinner Lady (OFF04) and Maxine’s Demand (PAP02).

Note: Make sure that you have completed the paperwork event “Maxine’s demand”. If you build the cafeteria and recruit the dinner lady, but have not completed Maxine’s demand, then Patricia will not actually start.

Instead, when you visit the cafeteria you will get the (slightly confusing) message: “the cafeteria construction has been completed. I have a restaurant manager now so I just need to wait for the construction to be completed.”

Once you have completed these, then in the morning Samantha will tell you that Patricia will be starting work at the new cafeteria, and her daughter Arabella will be starting school as well. Samantha also tells you she has created a rota of students to help Patricia in the cafeteria.

Note: Patricia will not start on a Friday morning. Instead, Samantha will speak to you the following Monday morning.

In the afternoon, go to the cafeteria. The first time you visit the cafeteria, you will see the Duchess in the Kitchen event (SCH12), where Patricia punishes Donna.

The following day, go to the cafeteria in the afternoon again. You will Harriet asking Priti why she was called to the Headmaster’s office. Harriet also says that Priti is sexually repressed.

Note: if you had already built the cafeteria, you may have already seen the scene where Donna is punished. If this case, you will automatically see the scene with Harriet and Priti instead.

Afterwards, you will automatically speak to Patricia and ask her to bake a chocolate velvet cake. It will cost $500. Patricia will deliver it to you the following morning.

Note #1: You can speak to Patricia and buy the chocolate cake before you have punished Priti (QST4.05) and/or done Priti’s photoshoot after the play (QST4.06).

Note #2: Patricia will not deliver the cake on a Friday morning. Instead, she will deliver it on the following Monday morning.

Note #3: If you do not have $500, then you say that you’ll have to come back later, as you don’t have the cash. Wait until you have $500, and visit the cafeteria again.

[QST4.08] Test 1: The Chocolate Cake‌

Full description (Punishment path) = Test Priti’s confidence and ability to stand up to authority using the chocolate cake Patricia made for you. Complete tasks 1 and 2 and test Priti’s progress in your office. You can do this either after her punishment or by summoning her with the phone on your desk.

Full description (Desires path) = Test Priti’s confidence and ability to stand up to authority using the chocolate cake Patricia made for you. Complete task 1 and test Priti’s progress by summoning her to your office.

If you are on the punishment path, you will need to complete QST4.05 (punishing Priti), QST4.06 (taking photos of Priti after the school play rehearsal) and QST4.07 (getting the cake from Patricia).

If you are on the desires path, you will need to complete QST4.06 (taking photos of Priti after the school play rehearsal) and QST4.07 (getting the cake from Patricia).

Use your office phone to call Priti to your office. You will tell her it’s time to test her ability to act on her desires. Choose “Test 1 – Your desire for chocolate”. You leave Priti alone in your office with the cake, and tell her that failed the test, because she didn’t rebel and eat the cake. Priti then licks the chocolate off your fingers, and you give her another slice of cake.

Note (punishment path only): If you had already taken photos of Priti after the school play rehearsal (QST4.06) and bought the cake from Patricia (QST4.07) before you punished Priti, then you don’t need to use the office phone. Instead, you can automatically test Priti’s progress at the end of her punishment.

You then agree that you will buy a new bikini for Priti to wear on the beach. You tell Priti to meet you on the beach on Saturday afternoon.

Once this task is complete, the quest log will be updated. If you encouraged Priti to act on her repressed desires (without resorting to punishments), see QST4.10 and QST4.11 for the next actions. If you encouraged her break the rules as well as act on her repressed desires, then see QST4.09, QST4.10 and QST4.11.

[QST4.09] Punish Priti in Your Office (to Level 3)‌

Full description = (1) Learning to Rebel – Priti is becoming a little more rebellious but she still needs more experience at being naughty. Catch Priti misbehaving in class and then punish her in your office.

If you have not already done so, you will need to pass the “strip to underwear” rule. To do this, pass the Corporal Punishment rule “students may be ordered to strip down to their underwear” at the Friday board meeting. You will need Influence 10 and Discipline 55.

Teach classes until you see a scene where Priti spanks you as you are collecting homework answers from the class. To progress this quest, order her to your office after school. Priti will then automatically report to your office after the afternoon classes. Choose to give her a private punishment.

Note #1: You can also choose to ask Priti an impossible question during the Friday pop quiz. She will give a deliberately rude answer, and you can choose to punish her in your office.

Note #2: when Priti misbehaves in class, there are other punishment options you can choose. The other options can give you discipline/grade points but will not progress Priti’s student quest. However, the event will randomly repeat when you teach a class so you can then choose a different option.

Priti will start the punishment at level 2. Tell her to strip to her underwear. Position her bent over the desk and give her a ruler spanking and paddle spanking. Position her over the knee, apply the ointment, massage her buttocks, massage her inner thighs, and give her a spanking. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to the next level (level 3).

[QST4.10] Purchase a Bikini and Meet Priti on the Beach‌

Full description = (2) Understanding her Desires – as you suspected, Priti has a repressed desire to feel sexy. She confessed that she’s always wanted to wear a bikini on the beach but her mother wouldn’t let her. You should buy her a new bikini and encourage her to wear it in public.

Purchase a string bikini and meet Priti on the beach on a Saturday afternoon.

Note: if you choose the Desires path, this task is shown as number (1), not (2).

Buy the string bikini from the Online Shopping | Clothing option on your office computer. It will cost $500, and will arrive the following weekday.

On Saturday afternoon, go to the Lake. You will give Priti the string bikini and she will spend the day at the beach, getting lots of attention from the rest of the girls and posing for pictures. You think that Priti is feeling very sexually frustrated and that she’s either not masturbating regularly or she is, but feeling guilty about doing so. You tell yourself you need to summon her to your office to test her on what she’s learned so far.

Note: if you are on the non-punishment path, Priti will now advance to the next level (level 3).

[QST4.11] Test 2: Desire to Feel Sexy‌

Full description (Punishment path) = Test Priti’s ability to act on her desire to feel sexy. Complete tasks 1 and 2 and test Priti’s progress in your office. You can do this either after her punishment or by summoning her with the phone on your desk.

Full description (Desires path) = Test Priti’s ability to act on her desire to feel sexy. Complete task 1 and test Priti’s progress by summoning her to your office.

If you are on the punishment path, you will need to complete QST4.09 (punishing Priti) and QST4.10 (giving Priti the string bikini at the beach.

If you are on the desires path, you will need to complete QST4.10 (giving Priti the string bikini at the beach.

Use your office phone to call Priti to your office. You will tell her it’s time to test her ability to act on her desires. Choose “Test 2 – Your desire to feel attractive”. You tell her that you want her to alter her uniform in a way that complies with the exact wording of the rules but makes a mockery of the school’s uniform policy.

You then tell yourself that you should spy on her to see how she’s getting on.

Note (punishment path only): If you had already seen Priti at the beach in her new bikini (QST4.10) before you punished Priti, then you don’t need to use the office phone. Instead, you can automatically test Priti’s progress at the end of her punishment.

[QST4.12] Spy on Priti’s Room and Complete Harriet’s Questline‌

Full description = (3) You decided to test Priti’s ability to act on her desire to feel sexy by telling her to make some alterations to her uniform. Spy on her room in the evening to see how she is getting on with the task. You will also need to complete Harriet’s questline to continue with Priti’s story.

Note: This description only appears if you have not completed the first part of Harriet’s student quest and made her the dormitory maid. If you have already completed this part of Harriet’s quest, please see QST4.13, below, instead.

Complete QST7.01 to QST7.05 of Harriet’s student quest. This involves doing patrols to find out about Harriet’s activities, doing a body search of Harriet and agreeing her punishment at the school board. You will then teach a class and see a punishment scene with Harriet. You strip Harriet to the waist and then announce her punishment as the new dormitory maid.

You can then complete the rest of Priti’s quest. See QST4.13.

Note: there is no point spying on Priti’s room before the classroom punishment scene with Harriet (QST7.05). You will only see “placeholder” scenes that do not advance the storyline.

There are 2 different placeholder scenes. If you spy on Priti’s room before doing the body search of Harriet, you will see Harriet giving Priti another bar of chocolate in exchange for more homework answers. You tell yourself that you don’t think you’re going to make much progress with Priti until you’ve dealt with Harriet.

If you spy on Priti’s room after doing the body search, you will simply see Priti is doing her homework at her desk.

[QST4.13] Uniform Alterations: Spy on Priti’s Room‌

Full description = (3) You decided to test Priti’s ability to act on her desire to feel sexy by telling her to make some alterations to her uniform. Spy on her room in the evening to see how she is getting on with the task.

Note: if you have not completed the first part of Harriet’s student quest and make her the dormitory maid, then the description will include an extra line about the need to complete Harriet’s student questline at the end.

See QST4.12 for information.

In the evening, spy on the dorms. If you have not already done so, you will need to spy on Liz’s room first. You will see Harriet in her maid’s costume, being given chores by Liz and Emily (See QST7.06 for details).

After you have seen the scene in Liz’s room, spy on Priti’s room. You will see Harriet hiding in Priti’s room while Priti is studying the uniform policy.

[QST4.14] Uniform Alterations: Teach a Class‌

Full description = (3) You decided to test Priti’s ability to act on her desire to feel sexy by telling her to make some alterations to her uniform. Teach a class to see what changes she can come up with

If you are on the Desires path, and you have not already done so, you will need to pass the “strip to underwear” rule. To do this, pass the Corporal Punishment rule “students may be ordered to strip down to their underwear” at the Friday board meeting. You will need Influence 10 and Discipline 55.

Note: if you are on the Punishment path you will have already passed this rule when you raised Priti to Level 3 (QST4.09).

Teach a class. Priti will attend class in a very skimpy uniform. You will talk to her in your office after class, and then masturbate her.

Note: if you are on the non-punishment path, Priti will now increase to the next level (level 4).

You tell yourself that you will need to teach Priti how to masturbate herself regularly You also decide that she should have some sexy nightwear to wear, to get her in the right frame of mind.

Once this task is complete, the quest log will be updated.

If you are on the punishment path, see QST4.15, QST4.16 and QST4.18. If you are on the Desires path, then see QST4.16 and QST4.18 for the next actions.

[QST4.15] Catch Priti Misbehaving (raise to Level 4)‌

Full description = (1) Learning to Rebel – Priti’s ability to rebel is improving and she’s becoming a little more naughty. However, she still

has a long way to go. Catch Priti misbehaving in class and then punish her in your office.

Teach a class. Priti will arrive in her skimpy uniform, remove her tie, and then calls you a big dummy. To progress this quest, order her to your office after school. You will get +1 grades.

Note: If you choose to punish her in class (either by spanking her or giving her an enhanced nudity punishment), then you will get discipline/grade points, but you will not progress Priti’s quest. However, if you teach further classes, then this event will then randomly happen again. You can then choose to order her to your office after school and continue this quest. See ST322 for more details of the in-class punishment options.

Priti will then automatically report to your office after the afternoon classes. Choose to give her a private punishment.

Priti will start this punishment at Level 3. Order her to strip to her underwear. Because Rachel isn’t wearing a bra, this will mean she is just wearing her panties. Position her with hands above her head and then pinch her nipples and lick her nipples.

Position her bent over the desk and give her a hand spanking, ruler spanking and paddle spanking. Position her over the knee and rub her pussy. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to the next level (level 4).

Game Note: once you have raised Priti to level 4, you will receive a message saying that you have reached the maximum level for this update. However, you can actually raise her to level 5.

[QST4.16] Speak with Priti Again‌

Full description = (2) Understanding her Desires – Priti confessed to masturbating occasionally but says she always felt deep shame afterwards. You strong believe that young women should never be ashamed of their sexual desires. You, therefore, decided to help rid her of that shame by having her masturbate in front of you. Unfortunately, she lacks the confidence for that yet. Wait until the next weekday morning to speak with Priti again.

After Priti wears her skimpy uniform to class and you masturbate her afterwards (QST4.14), you will automatically see a scene the next morning.

Priti, dressed in her skimpy uniform, talks to you. You suggest that she needs to appear fully naked in the school play. See QST4.17 for the next stage.

[QST4.17] Go to the Gymnasium on a Wednesday Evening‌

Full description = (2) Understanding her Desires – Priti confessed to masturbating occasionally but says she always felt deep shame afterwards. You strong believe that young women should never be ashamed of their sexual desires. You, therefore, decided to help rid her of that shame by having her masturbate in front of you. First, she will need to build up her confidence. You suggested she perform nude in the next play rehearsal as a way to improve her confidence. Go to the gymnasium on a Wednesday evening.

Note: if you choose the Desires path, this task is shown as number (1), not (2).

On Wednesday evening, go to the gym. You will see Priti appear naked on stage while playing the roles of Aphrodite and Pandora. This task will then be completed.

[QST4.18] Purchase New Nightwear for Her to Wear

Full Description (Punishment path) =‌ Complete steps 1 and 2 and then test Priti’s ability to act on her desire for self-love. Purchase new nightwear for her to wear.

Full Description (Desires path) = (2) Complete step 1 and then test Priti’s ability to act on her desire for self-love. Purchase new nightwear for her to wear.

Buy sexy nightwear from the Online Shopping | Clothing option on your office computer. It will cost $2000 and will arrive the following weekday.

[QST4.19] Test 3: Desire for Self Love

Full description = (3) Test Priti’s ability to act on her desire for self-love. Complete tasks 1 and 2 and test Priti’s progress in your office. You can do this either after her punishment or by summoning her with the phone on your desk.

Note: if you choose the Desires path, this task is shown as number (2), not (3).

If you are on the punishment path, you will need to complete QST4.15 (punishing Priti), QST4.17 (seeing Priti naked in the school play), and QST4.18 (buying sexy underwear).

If you are on the desired path, you will need to complete QST4.17 (seeing Priti naked in the school play) and QST4.18 (buying sexy underwear).

Use your office phone to call Priti to your office. You will tell her it’s time to test her ability to act on her desires. Choose “Test 3 – Your desire for self-love”.

Note (punishment path only):

If you have already seen Priti naked on stage and bought the sexy nightwear before you punished Priti, then you don’t need to use the office phone. Instead, you can automatically test Priti’s progress at the end of her punishment.

Priti says she thinks that touching herself is shameful. You and Priti both remove your clothes and masturbate together. You then tell Priti that you want her to try masturbating again as soon as possible, and you give her the sexy nightwear.

You tell yourself that you should spy on Priti’s room to see how she looks in her new nightclothes.

[QST4.20] Sexy Lingerie: Spy on Priti’s Room‌

Full description = (3) You have been teaching Priti that it’s OK to touch herself. You gave her some sexy lingerie to wear in her dorm room at night to help get her in the right mood. Spy on Priti’s room.

Note: if you choose the Desires path, this task is shown as number (2), not (3).

In the evening, spy on Priti’s room. You will see Priti in her sexy lingerie. Harriet, in her maid’s uniform, tries to hide in Priti’s room. Priti gets Debbie and gives Harriet a spanking. Priti then masturbates.

[QST4.21] Wait and See What Happens

Full description = (1) Thanks to all your help Priti is starting to become much more confident. She stood up for herself against Harriet and even gave her a spanking. You wonder what she will do next. Wait and see what happens.

The weekday after you see Priti spanking Harriet (QST4.20), this event will automatically occur. It will happen at the start of the afternoon. You go to the cafeteria, and see Cassandra trying to tease Priti, who ends up starting a food fight.

Note: If you press “skip day” during the morning, you will not see this event. Either carry out an event (e.g. teach a class, do a patrol) or use “skip period” instead.

You then hose down the girls to clean them and force them to attend the afternoon classes naked. You get discipline +5 and grades +5. You then tell Priti to report to your office for additional punishment. See QST4.22.

[QST4.22] Decide on Priti’s fate‌

Full description = (1) Priti stood up for herself against a bully but inadvertently started a major food fight in the process. Wait until after school and decide on Priti’s fate.

After the food fight and the subsequent afternoon class (where the food fight participants were naked), Priti will then automatically report to your office. You can decide to tell her that she must be punished, or that you won’t punish her. If you decide to punish her, see QST4.23.

If you decide not to punish Priti, you tell her that you would have loved to do the same to Cassandra as she did and that Priti’s proved how brave and confident she’s become. However, Priti then suggests that she’d like a punishment from you.

You can choose to punish her anyway, as it’s what she wants, or you can refuse to punish her. If you decide to punish her anyway, see QST4.23. If you refuse to punish her, see QST4.24.

Note: during this scene, it doesn’t matter if Priti is on the punishment path or the desired path. You can choose to spank her even if she is on the desired path, and you can level her up without spanking her even if she is on the punishment path.

[QST4.23] Punish Priti (to Level 5)‌

Full description = (1) Priti stood up for herself against a bully but inadvertently started a major food fight in the process. Although you didn’t blame her for her actions you decided she needed to be punished. Punish Priti and raise her level using the punishment system.

You tell Priti that it would be unprofessional to allow her act to go unpunished and that the other girls will be expecting her to return with a red bottom. Priti then asks if you would like her to be your girlfriend. You can say that you should just be friends, or that you’d like to be her boyfriend but only after graduation. Miss Newman will then arrive and you will start the punishment.

Priti will start this punishment at Level 4. She is already naked. Position her bent over the desk and give her a hand spanking, ruler spanking, and paddle

spanking. Position her over the knee, massage her inner thighs and rub her

pussy. Position her with hands above her head and finger her. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to the next level (level 5).

Note: if you have chosen the punishment path, you can also choose to pinch her nipples and lick her nipples instead of massaging her inner thighs and rubbing her pussy.

At the end of the punishment, choose “Test 4 – Your desire towards the opposite sex”. You ask Priti to tell you what she desires most. Priti tells you that she would like to do another photoshoot with you, and she would like some more cake. You agree to meet her at the cafeteria on Saturday afternoon so that Priti can bake a cake and you can do the photo shoot at the same time. See QST4.25.

[QST4.24] Test 4: Desire for the opposite sex‌

Full description = (1) Priti stood up for herself against a bully but inadvertently started a major food fight in the process. She accepted responsibility and offered herself up for punishment. However, you saw no need to spank her. Her training has been successful and there is no need to correct her behavior further. She is ready for your next test. Test Priti’s ability to act on her desire for the opposite sex.

You tell Priti that you won’t spank her for standing up for herself. Priti increases to the next level (level 5).

Priti then asks if you would like her to be your girlfriend. You can say that you should just be friends, or that you’d like to be her boyfriend but only after graduation.

At the end of the punishment, choose “Test 4 – Your desire towards the opposite sex”. You ask Priti to tell you what she desires most. Priti tells you that she would like to do another photoshoot with you, and she would like some more cake. You agree to meet her at the cafeteria on Saturday afternoon so that Priti can bake a cake and you can do the photo shoot at the same time. See QST4.25.

[QST4.25] Meet Priti at the Cafeteria on Saturday‌

Full description = (1) With your help Priti is blossoming into the brave and confident woman you always knew she could be. For her final test, you asked her what she desired most. She asked to do another photoshoot together and to eat more cake. You suggested meeting at the cafeteria at the weekend when it will be empty. Meet Priti at the cafeteria on Saturday afternoon.

On Saturday afternoon, go to the cafeteria. Priti bakes a cake whilst stripping naked, and you take photos of her. You then have a sixty-nine with her.

You assign her a new role as a student counselor. Priti agrees that you can summon her to your office for punishment anytime you want. You also say that you can meet Priti here on Saturday afternoons so she can practice her cake baking some more.

[QST4.26] End of Priti’s Content

Full description = You’ve reached the end of Priti’s content for the current version of the game.

You can summon Priti to your office after school, and give her a punishment. If you go to the cafeteria on Saturday afternoons, you can repeat the scene where Priti bakes a cake and you have a sixty-nine with her.

[QST5] The Accidental Nudist‌

Game Note: In version 0.12.3, you should complete this quest before you completed Harriet’s Maid for Punishment quest. You will not be able to complete this quest once Harriet has been made the dormitory maid.


Emily lost her towel at the beach and had to pretend to be a nudist to avoid punishment for streaking. You decided that it would be a good idea to open an official school nudist area. First, though you wanted to run the idea past Sally.

Unlocking this Quest Part 1: Lucy the Maid

To unlock this event, you first need to employ Lucy as your maid and get her to serve you topless in your garden. If you have already done this, see Unlocking this Quest Part 2 (below).

To employ Lucy as your maid, you will need popularity of 5+. Do paperwork in your office until Lucy visits you.

Note: The first time you do the paperwork, Maxine will introduce herself as the student president. The second time, Lucy will visit you. The third time, Maxine will visit you again. Every additional time you do paperwork, Lucy will come back until you employ her as your maid.

However, if you have completed the New Chapter Event and started Chapter 2 of the game, then you may also need to complete Alice’s paperwork event first. For more information about employing Lucy as your maid, see Lucy’s Request (PAP03). For information about completing Alice’s events, see Alice Needs Tutoring (PAP04) and Alice Offers a Deal (PAP05).

Buy the maid outfit from the Online Shopping | Clothing option on your office computer. It will cost $400 and will arrive the next day.

On Saturday, get Lucy to wear the maid outfit and pay her the extra $20. If you take a peek when she’s changing, choose “better not push my luck”. Lucy will spend the morning cleaning while you rest.

Next Saturday, Lucy will automatically change into her maid’s outfit and you will decide to take a bath. You will have the opportunity to expose yourself to Lucy. To do this, choose to get in the bath, and then demand to know where she’s been.

The following Saturday, Lucy will automatically change into her maid’s outfit. She will break a vase when cleaning. This event will unlock automatically, but if you lie and say the vase was expensive, then you get the opportunity to spank Lucy. If you exposed yourself to her last Saturday, you will need to give her at least a

$50 tip, or else she will refuse to come the following Saturday.

Buy the maid outfit from the Online Shopping | Clothing option on your office computer. It will cost $200 and will arrive the next day.

The following Saturday, Lucy will automatically change into her maid outfit and will serve you breakfast. Tell her that the coffee is terrible and then agree to pay her the extra money to wear the apron. You will pay her $150.

The following Saturday, Lucy will automatically wear the apron again. She will serve you tea in the garden, and you will find out she is allergic to bees. If you lie to her, you will get the opportunity to feel her breasts. You will pay her $150.

Note: for more information about the various events you can do with Lucy, please see Lucy the Maid (HOM01), Lucy Runs You a Bath (HOM02), Lucy and the Broken Vase (HOM03), Lucy and the Apron (HOM04), and Lucy and the Bee (HOM05).

Unlocking this Quest Part 2: Emily at the Lake

If you have not already done so, at the Friday School Board, choose to open the Lake (see under Other Rules).

Note: you should ensure Discipline is 20+ before you do this, or grades will decrease every day the Lake is open.

On Sunday morning, go to the lake. You will see Lucy helping Emily to change into her bikini. You will play a trick that will cause Lucy to run away, leaving Emily naked. Ruth then accuses her of being a streaker, and you then convince Emily to become a reluctant nudist to avoid being punished for streaking.

Ruth then suggests that you should designate a particular area of the beach where nudism is permitted.

Complete the A Man’s Work main quest (QM3) and start Chapter 2 of the new game.

In the evening, spy on Liz’s room. You will hear Harriet saying she has heard that Emily is a nudist, and Emily explaining how Lucy left her naked and she had to pretend to be a nudist to avoid punishment. Liz then wonders if you might allow other girls to go swimming in the nude.

Note: Depending on what other events you have done, and when you last spied on Liz, the girls may talk about other subjects first. See SPY00 for a note of all the topics of gossip that the girls discuss.

You tell yourself that Ruth did suggest designating an area of the beach as a nudist area and that it sounds like something the girls might make use of. You think that you should suggest the idea to the school board, but that you want to run the idea past Sally first.

This quest will then unlock. Liz, Harriet, and Emily continue to gossip. Emily tells Liz and Harriet about the only penis she’s ever seen, and how she’d “love to see a nice big penis someday”.

[QST5.01] Speak with Sally

Full description = (1) Speak with Sally in the men’s changing rooms on a weekday afternoon.

On Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon, speak to Sally in the changing room in the Sports Center. She will tell you that she overheard a rumor about Emily being a nudist. Sally will then tell you that her family was nudists as well. You agree to call Emily to your office for a little chat.

Note #1: If you have not already done so, you will first need to get Sally to speak to you about whether you have found a set of keys. See Sally’s Lost Keys (OTH08) for details.

Note #2: if you have made Rachel your trainee, but you have not yet taught a sports lesson since she became your trainee, then when you go into the changing room you will see the “Sally and Rachel Get Changed” event (ST203). You will then automatically teach a football game. You will need to go back to the changing room on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon and speak to Sally again.

[QST5.01] Summon Emily and Sally

Full description = (3) Summon Emily and Sally using the phone in your office

Use your office phone to summon Sally and Emily. You and Sally will strip, and then Sally will undress Emily. You will struggle to contain your erection, and you can choose to think un-sexy thoughts or to just let it happen. Regardless of which option you choose, you get an erection.

You also tell Emily that you will be designating an area of the beach as clothing optional but that you will need permission from the School Board first.

After Emily leaves, Sally will give you a blowjob. Emily then walks back into your office and sees everything, giving her some very juicy gossip to tell her friends later.

Game Note: There is no “action 2” – it jumps from action 1 (Speak with Sally) to action 3 (Summon Emily & Sally).

[QST5.01] Spy on Liz’s Room

Full description = (3) Spy in Liz’s room to see what Emily tells her friends

In the evening, spy on Liz’s room. You will hear Emily telling Liz and Harriet about Sally sucking your cock. You will get horniness +1.

[QST6] The Hostess with Mostess‌‌


Cassandra is constantly getting in trouble. Whether it’s by using her phone in class or simply by being disrespectful to her teachers. When questioned about her bad attitude Cassandra explained that she has no intention of working hard at school expecting that her good looks will win her a wealthy husband to provide for her. Realizing that you may have found a way to manipulate her into behaving, you offered to help her in her goal of meeting her prince charming in exchange for her good behavior in class.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mykock emailed, informing you that some of the school’s wealthy financial backers wanted a tour of the school and wished to be shown around by a student. You realized that with the right training Cassandra would be perfect for the role.

Unlocking this Quest

To unlock this event, you will need to raise Cassandra to punishment level 2 and complete the “Cassandra’s Shocking Realization” event. This involves punishing Cassandra after class and then spying on Debbie’s room twice. (See below, or for more details see CAS01 and ST401).

Before you can raise Cassandra to Level 2, you will need to pass the Remove Skirts rule by punishing Debbie. See DEB02 for details. You will need Influence 4 and Discipline 25 to pass the rule.

You will also need to buy the Aloe Vera Cream. To do this, you will need to punish Rachel and spy on her room afterward. See RAC01. The cream will cost $50 and is available from the Online Shopping | Health option on your office computer.

Give Cassandra a private punishment. You can do this by teaching classes until she misbehaves, or you can complete “Faye’s Embarrassing Situation” (SCH08) by going to the Sports Center on Wednesday afternoon and talking to Faye.

Remove her clothing & skirt. Position her bent over the desk and do both a hand spanking and ruler spanking. Position her over the knee, apply ointment, give her a hand spanking and massage her buttocks. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to the next level (Level 2).

After you have spanked Cassandra and raised her to level 2, you can unlock 2 spying events with Cassandra and Debbie. See Cassandra’s Shocking Realization (ST401) for more details.

Note: it is possible to raise Cassandra to Level 3 before you have completed the spy events. However, you will need to complete them before you can complete QST6.02, below.

The following day, check your email (on your office computer). You will see an email from Mr. Mykock. It says that a number of wealthy individuals have expressed an interest in visiting the school and that he suggests you find a student to take them on a guided tour. You tell yourself that a girl trained to be the perfect hostess would be of great use to you. You think about choosing Cassandra. This quest will then unlock.

Note: once you have unlocked Cassandra’s student quest, you can see a patrol event with Cassandra and Faye, where you realize that transforming Cassandra into a hostess is going to take a lot of work. See XTRA14.

[QST6.01] Catch Cassandra Misbehaving in Class

Full description = (1) Catch Cassandra misbehaving in class and give her a private punishment in your office (you may need to unlock additional punishment methods by following other girls’ storylines or through changing rules at the school board).

To complete this quest action, you will need to raise Cassandra to punishment level 3 and complete the “Cassandra’s Shocking Realization” event. This involves punishing Cassandra after class and then spying on Debbie’s room twice. (See below, or for more details see CAS01 and ST401).

Before you can raise Cassandra to Level 3, you will need to unlock the “massage inner thigh” option by punishing Debbie. See QSF4.3 or DEB03 for details.

Give Cassandra another private punishment. You can do this by teaching classes until she misbehaves, or you can complete “Faye’s Embarrassing Situation” (SCH08) by going to the Sports Center on Wednesday afternoon and talking to Faye.

Remove her clothing & skirt. Position her with hands above her head, and do a body search. Position her bent over the desk and do a hand (or ruler) spanking and a paddle spanking. Position her over the knee apply the ointment, spank her and massage her thighs. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to level 3.

Note: using the camera to take pictures will not increase Cassandra’s humiliation level – you must do a body search instead. However, it is still worth trying to use the camera to see the additional background dialogue.

At the end of the punishment, give Cassandra a Basic Flirting Lesson.

[QST6.02] Spy on Cassandra in Debbie’s Room‌

In the evening, spy on Debbie’s room. You will see Cassandra practicing her flirting in the mirror, while Debbie is putting up posters of the Celebrity Love Archipelago stars Jodie, Kelly & Paige.

Note: if you have not already done so, you will need to complete Cassandra’s first two spy events first. See Cassandra’s Shocking Realization (ST401) for details.

Fun note: if you have seen any of the Celebrity Love Archipelago episodes (see OTV02 for details) then the dialogue changes slightly.

You discover that Cassandra is still much too proud of herself to learn anything from you. You decide to observe her behavior around the school in a variety of situations in order to discover her weakness and devise an appropriate strategy.

This will unlock 3 new quest actions, observe her behavior in class, while patrolling the halls, and in the shower room. (See QST6.03, QST6.04, and QST6.05.) You can complete these events in any order.

[QST6.03] Observe Cassandra’s Behavior in Class‌

Teach a class. After the lesson, you will stay behind to do some marking. Some of the students also stay behind chatting. Cassandra makes up a story about a hot date and you tell yourself that you suspect she has little real sexual experience.

[QST6.04] Observe Cassandra’s Behavior while Patrolling the Halls‌

Do a patrol during the week. You will see the twins showing off their football skills. Cassandra is annoyed that she is not the center of attention. She then tells everyone that Debbie has a crush on Miss Newman the sports teacher in order to get their attention again.

[QST6.05] Observe Cassandra’s Behavior in the Shower Room‌

In the evening, spy on the showers. You will see Cassandra picking on the “crying girl” (see PAT01 and PAT02 for the crying girl events).

Note: if you spy on the showers immediately after you spied on Cassandra and Debbie (QST6.02) it is possible to complete this event that same evening.

[QST6.06] Visit the Sports Center in the Afternoon‌

Full description = (5) Visit the sports center in the afternoon and give Cassandra a public punishment.

To complete this quest action, you will first need to complete the “A Man’s Work” main quest (QM3) and start Chapter 2 of the new game.

When you have observed Cassandra’s behavior in class, while patrolling and in the shower (QST5.03, QST5.04, and QST5.05), you discover Cassandra’s weakness: Hubristic Pride. Cassandra has enormous pride in herself, not for any real accomplishment but for her very existence. You tell yourself that to shatter Cassandra’s pride you must reduce her social standing.

On Wednesday afternoon, go to the Sports Center. This event will automatically play out. You will see Faye standing naked outside the changing room after Cassandra pushed her out of the room. You get the girls to spank Cassandra with the paddle and then pleasure her until she has multiple orgasms. You will get +2 Horniness points.

Note #1: you have to click on the Sports Center on the main screen. If you click on the quick access button on the main map menu, you will not be able to complete this quest action.

Note #2: If Rachel is not your trainee yet (see QST2.05), then you will see a special scene where you meet Rachel first and ask her to carry your bag for you.

Note #3: You do not need to have completed Faye’s Embarrassing Situation (SCH08) before you complete this event.

[QST6.07] Spy on Cassandra’s Room

Full description = (6) Spy in Cassandra’s room and see how she is recovering from her punishment.

In the evening, spy on the dorms. You will tell yourself that you should check in on Cassandra and that you suspect she’ll be in her own room tonight.

Spy on Cassandra’s room. (Note: Cassandra’s room will initially be shown as an “unknown room”.) You will see Cassandra visited by the other girls, who all give her a big hug. You tell yourself that Cassandra has finally shown some remorse for her actions and the tiniest bit of empathy toward her classmates. You also realize that you can use the photographs during punishment to give the extra humiliation Cassandra needs.

[QST6.08] Teach a Class and see if Cassandra’s Behavior has Improved

Teach a class. At the start of the lesson, you will tell the students that the photographs you take during punishments will now be posted in the corridor outside your classroom. Cassandra then calls you a pervert and you decide to punish her after class.

Note: if the next class you teach is on a Friday afternoon, you will still see this scene, instead of the normal “quiz” lesson.

[QST6.09] Punish Cassandra in your Office

Full description = (6) Punish Cassandra in your office and take humiliating photographs of her.

To complete this quest action, you will need to raise Cassandra to punishment level 4 and complete the “advanced flirting lessons” option at the end of the punishment.

Cassandra will automatically come to your office at the end of the day. Remove her clothing & skirt. Position her with hands above her head, and do a body search or use the camera to take pictures. Position her bent over the desk and do a ruler spanking and a paddle spanking.

Position her over the knee, massage her thighs and rub her pussy. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to level 4.

Note #1: The “rub pussy” option was unlocked when you completed Debbie’s student quest. See QSF4.4 for details.

Note #2: if you have passed the “strip to underwear” rule, you can tell Cassandra to do that instead of just removing her skirt. (The strip-to-underwear rule is unlocked at the start of Chapter 2. See REFR02 for details.)

After the punishment, choose to give Cassandra advanced flirting lessons. You discuss some flirting and manipulation techniques and you tell Cassandra you want her to work for you. Cassandra then agrees to have dinner with you.

[QST6.10] Spy on Cassandra in the Dorms

In the evening, spy on Debbie’s room. You will see her talking with Debbie about your job offer, and Cassandra asks Debbie how she was persuaded to become a prefect. Cassandra says she’s impressed at how you convinced Debbie to do it, and to be happy about it.

[QST6.11] Teach a class and Speak with Cassandra

Teach a class. Before the class starts, Cassandra will approach you and try to blackmail you. You tell her she will be punished after school. During the lesson, you note that Cassandra is particularly attentive and even answers a few questions. You get +2 grades.

Note #1: if the next class you teach is on a Friday afternoon, you will still see this scene, instead of the normal “quiz” lesson.

Note #2: Cassandra will automatically come to your office at the end of that day to be punished, but you will need to have passed the “strip to underwear” rule before you can increase her punishment level (see QST6.12, below). It is advisable to pass the strip-to-underwear school rule before you complete this quest action.

[QST6.12] Punish Cassandra in your Office and use the Vibrator on her‌

To complete this quest action, you will need to raise Cassandra to punishment level 5 and complete the “practice date” option at the end of the punishment. (See below, or for more details see CAS06).

Once you have Influence 10 and Discipline 55, pass the new Corporal Punishment rule “students may be ordered to strip down to their underwear” at the Friday board meeting.

Note: the strip underwear rule is unlocked at the start of Chapter 2. See REFR02 for details.)

Give Cassandra another private punishment. Cassandra will automatically come to your office after she tried to blackmail you. Alternatively (for example, if you had not yet unlocked the strip-to-underwear rule), you can teach classes until she misbehaves, or you can ask her a difficult question during the Friday pop quiz.

She will start the punishment at Level 4. Order her to strip to her underwear. Position her with hands above her head and use the camera to take pictures (or do a body search).

Note: you can do a body search instead of taking pictures. However, you get an extra small scene that helps to develop Cassandra’s storyline if you take the pictures.

Position her bent over the desk and give her a hand spanking, a ruler spanking and a paddle spanking. Position her over the knee, massage her thighs (or rub her pussy). Put her in the diaper position and use the massage wand. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to level 5.

Note: you do not need to use the massage wand. While over the knee, you can choose to rub her buttocks, massage her thighs and then massage her pussy instead.

At the end of the punishment, choose to arrange a Practice Date with her. You agree to have a dinner date with her, and you tell her that you will purchase a new dress for her to wear.

[QST6.13] Purchase a New Dress for Cassandra to Wear on your Date

Once you have $25000, buy the Red Dress from the Online Shopping | Clothing option on your office computer. It will arrive the following week.

Note #1: if you don’t buy the red dress by the following Saturday, you will get a message saying that you’re meant to be having a date with Cassandra but you haven’t bought her a new dress yet. You say that you’ll have to wait until the next weekend.

Note #2: the dress is delivered the following weekday morning. If you purchase the dress on Friday, it will not be delivered until Monday, and you will not be able to do the date that weekend.

[QST6.14] Wait until Saturday Evening for your Date with Cassandra‌

Once you have bought the dress, this scene will automatically happen the following Saturday evening. Cassandra will arrive and change into the red dress. You will have dinner.

During the date, talk about both the job opportunity and her motivations. You then realize that Cassandra has been drinking rather quickly, and you wonder if you should warn her that she is drinking too much.

You should choose “Say something”. If you choose “Wait and see what happens”, Cassandra will get drunk and the date will end. See QST6.15 for the next steps.

If you choose “say something”, you will tell her that most men she will have dinner with will likely try to get her drunk, because it’s a tried and tested strategy for getting women to sleep with them. She thanks you for the advice. At the end of the meal, she agrees to move over to the sofa with you. You tell her that to keep a wealthy man interested, she needs to demonstrate sexual competence by giving them a blow job.

Cassandra will then give you a very poor blow job. You can choose to either “break it to her gently” or “be brutally honest”. The dialogue will change, but in both cases, you tell her that she needs to practice more.

You tell her she is to report to your office after school, and that you will discipline her and she can practice sucking your cock. You also tell her that she should try and find some instructional porn videos, and suggest that Debbie could help her find some suitable videos.

At the end of the date, you tell yourself that you should check in on Debbie’s room to make sure Cassandra asks for help finding some instructional porn videos. See QST6.16.

[QST6.15] Speak with Cassandra Before Class and Rearrange your Date‌

You will only get to see this quest action if Cassandra gets drunk during your date. During the week, teach a class. Before the lesson, Cassandra will speak to you and say that she’d like to try the date again.

This action will then change back to “Wait until Saturday evening for your date with Cassandra” (QST6.14). The following Saturday, you will get another date with Cassandra.

[QST6.16] Spy on Debbie’s Room‌

After your date with Cassandra, spy on Debbie’s room in the evening. Debbie says that she can share some blowjob videos with Cassandra, and they agree that Cassandra will go down on Debbie. They watch some videos and then make out. Cassandra licks Debbie’s pussy, but does so badly. Debbie then shows Cassandra how to masturbate properly.

[QST6.17] Summon Cassandra to your Office for Punishment after School

After classes, summon Cassandra to your office for punishment. You are given the option to skip her punishment, or to give her a spanking first.

Note #1: you are only given the option to summon a girl for punishment if no other girls have been ordered to your office. For example, if you taught a class that day and ordered a girl to be punished after school, you will not be able to summon another girl.

Note #2: if the current version of the game, you cannot increase Cassandra to punishment level 6. You therefore may wish to skip the spanking. (However, you can get still some money by spanking Cassandra.)

If you give her a spanking, then after the punishment choose to give her some blowjob practice. If you choose to skip the spanking, you will automatically start the blowjob practice.

Cassandra will then give you a blowjob. You tell them it was a passable blowjob, but you think you need to find her a proper instructor. You wonder if Trixie would be willing to help out with some hands-on sex-ed.

Note: if you didn’t hire Trixie, then the dialogue will be slightly different. You will tell yourself that you should have hired Trixie. You then tell Cassandra that you don’t have anyone in mind, but hopefully, a suitable teacher will turn up soon.

[QST6.18] You’ve reached the end of Cassandra’s content

Full description = (7) You’ve reached the end of Cassandra’s content for the current version of the game.

You can continue to summon Cassandra to your office for blowjob practice, but this is the end of her student questline in the current version of the game.

[QST7] Maid for Punishment‌

Game Note: In version 0.12.3, you should complete Emily’s “The Accidental Nudist” quest before you complete Harriet’s Maid for Punishment quest. You will not be able to complete Emily’s quest once Harriet has been made the dormitory maid.


Harriet Rose is a smart and savvy young woman, who claimed to have run a successful company before being forced back to school. Whilst spying on the girl’s dorms you observed Harriet pressuring another student into giving her homework answers in exchange for chocolate. Harriet, it seems, was then selling these answers to other girls in exchange for cash. You had noticed the girls’ average grades have been falling recently. Could this be one of the causes?

You will need to deal with Harriet’s criminal enterprise as soon as possible. You will also need to devise a suitably harsh punishment to make sure the girls understand just how important their grades are.

Unlocking this Quest

To unlock this event, you will need need to complete the first part of Priti’s Student quest, where you summon Priti to your office, and she confesses to giving Harriet the answers to Mr. Wilson’s homework (QST4.04, see also ST316).

The following morning, there will be a scene where Priti apologizes to you, and you talk about how you will help Priti. In the end, you tell yourself that Priti is already a good girl with excellent grades, but Harriet is the true criminal deserving of punishment. This quest will then unlock.

[QST7.01] Patrol the Halls During the Week‌

Full description = Knowing Harriet’s guilt won’t be enough to stop her, you’ll need to catch her red-handed with sufficient evidence to provide her crimes to the school board so she can be suitably punished. Patrol the halls during the week and keep an eye out for Harriet.

You will need to complete the “Charlotte Caught Smoking” (PAT16) and “A Spanking or a Handjob” (PAT17) patrol events. This involves doing a patrol until you find Charlotte smoking. You need to choose to punish Charlotte and search her thoroughly for more cigarettes.

When you do another patrol, you will see Charlotte and Harriet doing a trade. Charlotte gives Harriet a pair of knickers in return for a pack of cigarettes. You then follow Charlotte and find her smoking again.

Note: Charlotte will offer you a handjob to avoid being punished. You can choose to punish her or accept a handjob. Either option will allow you to continue with Harriet’s student quest.

[QST7.02] Patrol the Halls and Follow Harriet to Find her Source

Full description = You spotted Harriet selling cigarettes to Charlotte. Clearly, she is getting supplies from someone off-campus. You can’t bust Harriet until you find her source. Patrol the halls during the week and follow Harriet to find her source.

If you have not already done so, you will need to pass the topless punishment rule. At the School Board on Friday morning, pass the Public Punishment rule “Students misbehaving during class may be ordered to remove all clothing above the waist for the remainder of the lesson” (see REFR03 for details). You will need Influence 11 and Discipline 75.

Do a patrol. You will see Harriet secretively hurrying towards the school’s back gate. You will see her meeting Lily (who is the sister of Samantha, your secretary). Lily is her source, who is supplying her with alcohol, cigarettes, chocolate, and knickers.

Note: you do not have to complete the “Meeting Lily” event (OTH15) first, but it helps the storyline if you have done so.

You tell yourself that you need to catch Harriet with another girl’s homework answers. You wonder if she might store her contraband in one of the sports center lockers.

[QST7.03] Patrol the Halls and Follow Harriet to Find her Source‌

Full description = It turns out that Harriet is buying cigarettes, alcohol, and underwear from Samantha’s sister, Lily. Now you know her source, it’s time to make your move and busy the whole affair wide open. You’ve seen her hanging around the sports center lockers on Monday and Friday afternoons and suspect she stashes all her contraband there. A thorough search of her person is in order. Perform a body search on Harriet.

If you have not done so, you will need to make Rachel your trainee. To do this, follow the “Headmaster’s Pet” student quest until you complete the action “Catch Rachel falling asleep in class again then assign her the role of your trainee” (see QST2.05).

You will need to pass the Body Search rule at the Friday school board meeting. If you have not done so, at the School Board on Friday morning, pass the Headmaster’s Privileges rule “The Headmaster has the right to perform a body search of anyone on campus. Students must raise their skirts and open their shirts to allow for easy access to their underwear.” (See REFR04 for further details). You will need Influence 11 and Discipline 80 to pass the rule.

On Monday or Friday afternoon, go to the Sports Center and speak to Harriet. Choose to do a body search.

Note: if you have not already done so, you can ask her “how are you?” and “how’s business?” These are not required but help to progress the storyline.

After doing a body search, you also check Harriet’s bag and find homework answers from other girls. You tell her that she will face very severe consequences for this and that you will discuss it with the school board on Friday to devise a special punishment for her.

[QST7.04] Wait for the Next School Board Meeting

Full description = When searching Harriet’s bag you found all the evidence you need to prove to the school board the seriousness of her crimes. Now you’ll be able to convince the school board of the need for serious punishment. Wait for the next school board meeting.

The following Friday morning, you will automatically see a scene where you tell the Board about Harriet’s black market trade-in homework answers. You tell the board that Harriet should be made to work for free for the benefit of the other girls, like a maid. You say that the other girls will be given permission to punish Harriet if she does not comply. You then suggest that Harriet’s physical condition should be assessed every week at the school board meeting to ensure she is not being punished excessively.

[QST7.05] Teach a Class and Announce Harriet’s New Punishment‌

Full description = The school board agreed to a new form of punishment, one reserved for the most serious offenders. Harriet will be made to act as a maid for the other girls in the evenings and on weekends. The other girls will be given permission to punish her if she does not comply. Teach a class and announce Harriet’s new punishment.

During the week, teach a class. After the school board meeting where you discuss Harriet, you will automatically see this scene. You will give Harriet a topless punishment. You then announce that Harriet is now the dormitory maid and that if she fails to comply, the other girls may spank her. You tell yourself

that you should check the dorms to see how Harriet is getting on with her punishment that evening.

This will then unlock the next two tasks – Spy on Liz’s room (QST7.06) and Examine Harriet’s Naked Body at the School Board (QST7.08).

You will also get +10 Grades and +10 Discipline.

[QST7.06] Spy on Liz’s Room‌

Full description = You made a big announcement to let the other girls know about Harriet’s new punishment. You should spy on the dorms to see how she is reacting to her new punishment. She normally hangs around Liz’s room. Spy on Liz’s room.

After you have announced Harriet’s new punishment (QST7.05), spy on Liz’s dorm room in the evening. You will see Harriet dressed as a maid, and being given chores by Liz and Emily.

[QST7.07] Advance Priti’s Storyline

Full description = 1) Harriet is clearly unhappy about her new punishment but you won’t know if it’s effective until you see another student punish her. Perhaps if you are able to improve Priti’s confidence enough she might be able to finally stand up to Harriet. Advance Priti’s storyline.

You will need to raise Priti to level 4, complete her third task (desire for self-love), and then spy on Priti’s room. See QST4.01 to QST4.20 for details on completing Priti’s student quest.

When you spy on Priti’s room, you will see Priti in her sexy lingerie. Harriet, in her maid’s uniform, tries to hide in Priti’s room. Priti gets Debbie and gives Harriet a spanking. Priti then masturbates.

[QST7.08] Examine Harriet’s Naked Body at the next School Board‌

Full description = 2) You have given permission for the other girls to spank Harriet if she does not comply with her punishment. You will need to examine Harriet’s body regularly for bruising to make sure the other girls are not abusing their power over her. Examine Harriet’s naked body at the next school board meeting.

After you have announced Harriet’s new punishment (QST7.05), wait until Friday morning when you will go to the school board meeting as usual. Choose the new

“Student Body Inspections” option and then “Harriet Rose”. Harriet will strip naked and the teachers will examine her nude body.

You will get +2 Influence Points.

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