Day 1 at School

 Arriving at School

After finishing the introduction and speaking to Erik, you can travel to the school. Out the front of the school building, you'll meet Mia who confesses she needs a study partner and invites you over her house (and unlock it as a location on your map) any time you like to study.

Next, inside the school, you'll have a heated encounter with Roxxy & Dexter who look like the Jocks and bullies of this school unlocking Roxxy's home The Trailer and the Basketball court new locations.

Principal Smith will then come over to scold you for standing around in the hallway and insist that you come to her office on the 3rd floor to talk about your failing grades.

Go up the stairs by clicking on the doorway with the stair icon to your right, and then up again by clicking on the stairs. Then choose the door labeled Principal to talk to Principal Smith.

Principal Office

Inside you'll see Principal Smith who will explain you're failing all your subjects and doesn't care that your dad died. She's accompanied by Annie who she will send to help you get your things from your locker after you reveal you've forgotten your pass.

Go back into the hallway and down the stairs and select your locker; it's near the left edge of the screen and features a prominent yellow lock. Annie will open your locker with a Master-key which opens every lock in the school so you can get your things.

In your locker is a To Do List with names and checkboxes on it, your report card, and a trading card. You can take the trading card and add it to your backpack.

Once you're done head to the boy's locker room by selecting the sign at the ceiling with the universal bathroom icons on it. The sign is just above your locker.

Boys & Girls Changing Room

You'll run into Judith who explains that the girl's change rooms are under repair so everyone is sharing the boy's rooms. She says she feels nervous about having to get changed in the co-ed environment so you offer to go with her and make sure no one looks, including yourself.

Choose the boy's locker room and you'll both head in. Annie from before is also there and scolds you for being late. She demands you both get changed immediately.

You both disrobe and are completely naked. Things get a bit awkward and you're soon scolded by Annie. Afterward, she hands you your sports uniforms and insists you head to class. Leave the locker room, head back to the school hallway, and go outside via the door in the center to get to athletics class.

Athletics Class

Coach Bridget will approach you and get you to try to do pushups which you are not very good at. She will say that you need to start working out at the gym to get strong enough for a passing grade in her class. This will unlock the Gym as a new location.

An athletic girl called Ronda will come over to talk and you will make a deal with her that if you manage to make the trials she will help you practice and that she'll be at the swimming pool. This adds the Swimming Pool to your locations.

Go back to the school hallway and click on the door with 'A B C' on it to attend Mrs Bissette's French class.

French Class

Miss Bisette greats you and asks how you're doing before giving a message to the class explaining she plans to reward the student who showed the most improvement. She offers private tutoring to anyone interested and says to talk to her in her office or tomorrow in class if you're interested. The Library location will also unlock.

Afterward, you'll automatically talk to a goth girl with blue hair named Eve before you leave and unlock the Park location. Control is returned to you and school will be over, so you can return to the hallway. Your character will automatically leave the building on his own.

After School End

Once you leave school, you'll have a scene with Erik where you recap some of your options for the day and he'll also say that you can buy new computer parts at the Consum-R mart.

Diane's House, The Mall, The Beach, The Tree House, Raven Hill, and The Warehouse, will all unlock as locations.

At this point you can choose whether to go to talk to Miss Bisette in her office or talk to her tomorrow. You can also choose whether to go to Diane's house to garden or hang out with Mia.

Doing these things will take up time turning it to evening. Where you can choose from other activities such as visiting the park before heading home to rest.

These early options are not overly important for any of the various character routes you can take. Explore the town a little and get to know where everything is before deciding on which route you want to pursue.

When you get home Debbie will be on the phone being harassed by debt collectors. You comfort her before heading back up to bed to sleep.

In the days following you'll be able to choose how you spend each portion of your day including whether or not you go to school or which classes to take.

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